[R-sig-Geo] How do change projection from geographic coordinate to projected coordinate system in R?

Zia Ahmed zua3 at cornell.edu
Mon Nov 23 23:44:01 CET 2009

Hi all,

I want project several  several raster(.tif)  and vector (.shp)  files 
in R using rgdal driver. One set of  files are in  geographic coordinate 
system (WGS84) other are in LCC-Bangladesh coordinate system.

.I want to re-project them to EPSG:3104 (Gulshan 303/ BTM).  If some 
help me this regard it will appreciated.



Below I mentioned parameter of LCC-Bangladesh coordinate system:
Projection: Lambert_Conformal_Conic
False_Easting: 2743186.000000
False_Northing: 914395.000000
Central_Meridian: 90.000000
Standard_Parallel_1: 23.176944
Standard_Parallel_2: 28.822770
Latitude_Of_Origin: 26.000000
Linear Unit: Meter (1.000000)

Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_Everest_Bangladesh
Angular Unit: Degree (0.017453292519943299)
Prime Meridian: Greenwich (0.000000000000000000)
Datum: D_Everest_Bangladesh
Spheroid: Everest_Adjustment_1937
 Semimajor Axis: 6377276.344999999700000000
  Semiminor Axis: 6356075.413140240100000000
  Inverse Flattening: 300.801699999999980000

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