[R-sig-Geo] bbox 4-dimensional objects - suitable method?

Torleif Markussen Lunde torleif.lunde at cih.uib.no
Mon Nov 23 15:57:32 CET 2009

Hi Edzer

Thanks for a good answer. I did read the asdar-book, and especially the 
section on time grids. I guess the book (together with the sp source) is a 
must when dealing with the sp-classes.

As far as I understand this means that in SpatialTimeGridDataFrame coordinates 
and time has to be stored several times. That is my main motivation to define a 
new class. Let's take one example where one has a structure similar to 
SpatialPointsDataFrame, while the other has a structure of Spatial3dArray. 

## SpatialPointsDataFrame ##
# (since it takes a long time to convert it to a sppdf, this is omitted)

# Create coordinates
long2 <- seq(35, 48, length.out = 146)
lat2 <- seq(2, 15, length.out = 188)
long <- matrix(long2, length(long2), length(lat2), byrow = FALSE)
lat <- matrix(lat2, length(long2), length(lat2), byrow = TRUE)
long3 <- rep(c(long), 504)
lat3 <- rep(c(lat), 504)
ptc.coord <- cbind(x = long3, y=lat3)

# Create data variable
z <- seq(1, 10000, length.out = dim(ptc.coord)[1])

# Create time
tm <- rep(seq(as.POSIXct("2002-01-01 06:00:00"), 
	  as.POSIXct("2002-01-22 06:00:00"), 
	  length.out = 504), each = dim(long)[1]*dim(long)[2])

# make data.frame
dummy <- as.data.frame(cbind(ptc.coord, z, tm))
# do not run: 
# system.time(coordinates(dummy)=~x+y+tm)

# What is the object size?
objs <- object.size(dummy)
print(objs, quote = FALSE, units = "Mb")
## end spatial points ##

## Spatial3dArray ##

# arrange z as an array
array.data <- array(z, c(length(long2), length(lat2), 504))
# create a time vector
tm2 <- seq(as.POSIXct("2002-01-01 06:00:00"), 
	  as.POSIXct("2002-01-22 06:00:00"), 
	  length.out = 504)

x <- new("Spatial3dArray", 
	  data = array.data, 
	  coords = list(long=long, lat=lat),
	  bbox = matrix(c(min(long),
			  max(lat)), 2, 2, 
	  dimnames = list(c("long", "lat"), c("min","max"))), 
	  time = as.character(tm2),
	  btime = c("2002-01-01 06:00:00", 
			   "2002-01-22 06:00:00"))

dimnames(slot(x, "data"))=list(NULL, 
				slot(x, "time"))

objs2 <- object.size(x)
print(objs2, quote = FALSE, units = "Mb")

## end Spatial3dArray ##

So, I think it makes sense to have other classes when dealing with time data 
with a certain dimension. Agree?

I have already rewritten overlay, summary, and added spmean, spmax, and spmin 
(with options on which dimensions the method should be applied over). In 
addition binding methods (sp3dAbind equal to cbind for data.frames. Will also 
introduce timeBind, or similar) has been introduced. 

Best wishes

On Monday 23 November 2009 14:45:16 Edzer Pebesma wrote:
> Torleif,
> sp classes SpatialPoints* SpatialPixels* and SpatialGrid* already allow
> 3- and higher dimensional data; providing an example with nonsense data:
> > library(sp)
> > data(meuse)
> > meuse$z = rnorm(155)
> > coordinates(meuse)=~x+y+z
> > summary(as(meuse, "SpatialPoints"))
> Object of class SpatialPoints
> Coordinates:
>             min          max
> x 178605.000000 1.813900e+05
> y 329714.000000 3.336110e+05
> z     -2.168683 3.006463e+00
> Is projected: NA
> proj4string : [NA]
> Number of points: 155
> It can be used this way to do 3D interpolation (package gstat), and
> several of the sp methods work; obviously, several do ignore everything
> beyond x and y.
> If you store your time as double, you can even think about adding that
> as one of the coordinates.
> Chapter 6 of http://www.asdar-book.org/ gives code examples of this
> approach, where a third dimension represents (posix) time, and methods
> are given to select a certain spatial grid from a
> SpatialTimeGridDataFrame based on its posix time (range).
> The motivation for your approach becomes stronger when time cannot be
> stored as double (numeric); I find it harder to see the motivation to
> store z differently from the x and y coordinates, create a separate
> bounding box for it and rewrite all methods.
> --
> Edzer
> Torleif Markussen Lunde wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > As previously mentioned I am working on 3D and 4D spatial classes. To get
> > things compatible with the other sp-classes I would like to ask for your
> > opinion what would be the most suitable bbox methods for Spatial3dArrays
> > and Spatial4dArrays.
> >
> > My first thought was that bbox should return the 2D geographical extent
> > of the object. This to comply with other spatial methods. For the 3D case
> > an additional slot, btime is added to show the temporal extent of the
> > object. As writing the 4D case, I started wondering whether it would be
> > wise to stick to this (my conclusion at the moment is yes). In that case
> > a new slot called zextent could be added.
> >
> > To retrieve the extent of the different dimensions one would have three
> > functions; bbox(), btime(), and zextent()
> >
> > The other option is to make a bbox slot as a list. bbox() would still
> > return x-y extent, while bbox.full() could return a list of the full
> > extent:
> >
> > list(bbox = matrix(c(1,1,4,4), 2,2,
> >      			dimnames = list(c("long", "lat"),
> > 		     	c("min", "max"))),
> >     btime = matrix(c("2002-01-01 06:00:00", "2002-01-01 06:00:00"), 1, 2,
> >      			dimnames = list(c("time"),
> > 		     	c("min", "max"))),
> >     zextent = matrix(c(512, 1024), 1,2,
> >      			dimnames = list(c("masl"),
> > 		     	c("min", "max"))))
> >
> > Since bbox is defined as a matrix in Spatial, this would be a bad idea.
> > So, at best bbox could be a matrix of min/max of x, y, and z (since they
> > all are numeric). bbox() would then return a x, y subset of bbox(), while
> > bbox.full() could return a list(xyz, time).
> >
> > Any comments on what would be best suitable to be compatible with the
> > other Spatial classes?
> >
> > Best wishes
> > Torleif
> > PhD candidate
> > Centre for International Health
> > Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
> > University of Bergen
> > Norway
> >
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