[R-sig-Geo] How can I convert a "SpatialPolygons" object to a "polylist"?

Jim Burke j.burke at earthlink.net
Sun May 3 06:07:25 CEST 2009

And using shape2poly does not work either.

 >census_poly_sp <- shape2poly(census_sp, region.id = NULL)
Error in shape2poly(census_sp, region.id = NULL) :
  No shp component in this list

The above file was read in (see below). Internal
measurements are in long lats. I can spplot and
make a KML file just fine for example.
census_sp <- readShapePoly("HD_102_census_blocks_sp.shp",
IDvar="BLKIDFP00", proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))

Jim Burke

Jim Burke wrote:
> How can I convert a "SpatialPolygons" object to a "polylist"
> I have a file read in with "readShapePoly". This contains the polygon
> long lats in a slot called "coords". I want to use the package "splancs"
> "inout" function which works according to the doc with polygon data sets.
> An example Map2Poly which works with "inout" lists itself as a class 
> "polylist". 
> Thanks,
> Jim Burke
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