[R-sig-Geo] Interpolation or TIN with break lines/barriers

Hollister.Jeff at epamail.epa.gov Hollister.Jeff at epamail.epa.gov
Wed Jun 10 21:27:19 CEST 2009


I am attempting to try various methods for calculating lake volume from
a bathymetry survey of a lake (x, y, and depth).

As a long time ESRI user who is now trying to cut the cord, I would
normally do this with, IDW with barriers, a TIN with masspoints (depth
soundings) and a hardline (lake shoreline), etc.

Is there currently an R analog for this?


Dr. Jeffrey W. Hollister
Atlantic Ecology Division
27 Tarzwell Drive
Narragansett, RI 02882
(401) 782-9655

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