[R-sig-Geo] how to show polygons from SHP file in Google map?
Jim Burke
j.burke at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 4 16:59:27 CEST 2009
This is for future people with "filen" issues. An attempt to read
an invalid location will produce the error shown below. Please
read the attached email below or the previous email in this thread
for cause and solution.
> natSHP.sp <- readShapePoly(system.file("nro2.shp",
package="maptools")[1], proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:2166"))
Error in getinfo.shape(filen) : Error opening SHP file
Good luck,
Jim Burke
Jim Burke wrote:
> Jian,
> First realize where your R code was trying to
> find your shapefile. In your code below you
> are searching maptools\shapes and not your code
> subdirectory. Maptools is the domain of that
> package and you should not put your shapefiles
> there but in your own separate user subdirectory.
> natSHP.sp <- readShapePoly(system.file("nro2.shp",
> package="maptools")[1], proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:2166"))
> Then in R, make sure R is pointing to the
> directory where your nro2.shp file exists.
> This can be done by selecting in R, File,
> Change Directory.
> Good luck,
> Jim Burke
> Torleif Markussen Lunde wrote:
>> Yes
>> First: type ?readShapePoly
>> If it does not help, use Google, Bing, RSiteSearch, etc.
>> Third: ask R-sig-geo
>> natSHP.sp <- readShapePoly("nro2.shp",
>> proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:2166"))
>> spplot(natSHP.sp, "NATURRAUMO")
>> To understand the error, try:
>> system.file("package="maptools")
>> system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="maptools")
>> and
>> system.file("nro2.shp", package="maptools")
>> Best
>> Torleif
>> On Thursday 04 June 2009 03:02:44 pm Jian Li wrote:
>>> Dear Torleif,
>>> I just tried to produce another SpatialPolygons like nat.sp from SHP
>>> file
>>> like this following: natSHP.sp <- readShapePoly(system.file("nro2.shp",
>>> package="maptools")[1], proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:2166"))
>>> in order to approach it in the same way for saving the information
>>> in KML
>>> file
>>> But it doesn't work. Do you know what's going wrong or do you have any
>>> better idea?
>>> The nro2.shp is under
>>> http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~jian/phpMysqlGoogle/arcViewNro2/
>>> available.
>>> greeting,
>>> Jian
>>>> ########################
>>>> ##Export e00 to Google Earth (png)##
>>>> ########################
>>>> #1: import using RArcInfo
>>>> #Set the working directory to where you stored your nat.e00 data
>>>> setwd('~/e00data') #Use your own path
>>>> #load the RArcInfo library (for functions e00toavc, get.xxx)
>>>> require(RArcInfo)
>>>> #Convert the e00 to SpatialPolygons
>>>> e00toavc('nat.e00', './nat2')
>>>> nat.arc <- get.arcdata("./", "nat2")
>>>> nat.pal <- get.paldata("./", "nat2")
>>>> require(maptools) #Needed for pal2SpatialPolygons
>>>> nat.sp <- pal2SpatialPolygons(nat.arc,
>>>> nat.pal,
>>>> nat.pal[[1]]$PolygonId[-1],
>>>> dropPoly1=TRUE,
>>>> proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:2166"))
>>>> #Transform to longlat, WGS84
>>>> require(rgdal)
>>>> nat2.sp <- spTransform(nat.sp, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"))
>>>> #Set up metadata
>>>> GSG <- GE_SpatialGrid(nat2.sp)
>>>> #Ask for the tempdir
>>>> tmp.dir <- tempdir()
>>>> #To change the resolution (and line width), change res
>>>> res <- 5
>>>> #Make png-file
>>>> png(file=paste(tmp.dir, "/", "nat.png", sep=""), width=GSG$width*res,
>>>> height=GSG$height*res,
>>>> bg="transparent")
>>>> par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
>>>> plot(nat2.sp, xlim=GSG$xlim, ylim=GSG$ylim, lwd = res)
>>>> dev.off()
>>>> #And make the Google earth kml-file
>>>> kmlOverlay(SGqk, paste(tmp.dir, "/", "nat.kml", sep=""),
>>>> paste(tmp.dir, "/", "nat.png", sep=""))
>>>> #Now, see in td, and you have your kml and png.
>>>> ###########################################
>>>> ##Export the same data as polygons (still to Google earth)
>>>> #The second option is to export as polygons
>>>> #(See ?kmlPolygon in maptools)
>>>> out <- sapply(slot(nat2.sp, "polygons"), function(x) { kmlPolygon(x,
>>>> name=paste(slot(x, "ID")),
>>>> col="transparent", lwd=5, border='black',
>>>> description=paste(slot(x, "ID"))) })
>>>> tf <- tempfile()
>>>> kmlFile <- file(paste(tf, ".kml", sep=""), "w")
>>>> cat(kmlPolygon(kmlname="MyGPoly",
>>>> kmldescription="<i>Masterthesis</i>")$header,
>>>> file=kmlFile, sep="\n")
>>>> cat(unlist(out["style",]), file=kmlFile, sep="\n")
>>>> cat(unlist(out["content",]), file=kmlFile, sep="\n")
>>>> cat(kmlPolygon()$footer, file=kmlFile, sep="\n")
>>>> close(kmlFile)
>>>> #################
>>>> Best wishes
>>>> Torleif
>>>> On Wednesday 03 June 2009 09:45:45 am Paul Hiemstra wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> You have to do two things, read your data and export it to a
>>>>> format for
>>>>> Google Earth.
>>>>> The Cran Spatial Taskview suggests the RArcInfo package to read
>>>>> the e00
>>>>> files into R. I'm not sure into what format they are loaded. Maybe
>>>>> readOGR from the rgdal package can also read e00 files, depending on
>>>>> the GDAL/OGR version you have available.
>>>>> If you have your vector file in an R session in a SpatialPolygons
>>>>> object (see the sp-package), the following code shows an example
>>>>> how to
>>>>> export the data to a format that Google Earth can read:
>>>>> library(rgdal)
>>>>> data(meuse)
>>>>> coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
>>>>> proj4string(meuse) = CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
>>>>> proj4string(meuse)
>>>>> meuse.ll = spTransform(meuse, CRS("+proj=longlat"))
>>>>> writeOGR(meuse.ll, "meuse.kml", "meuse.kml", driver="KML")
>>>>> I'm not sure if the RArcInfo reads the e00 file into a
>>>>> SpatialPolygons
>>>>> object (Virgillio?), or if it is easy to convert the output from
>>>>> RArcInfo to an sp-class. rgdal always reads data into an sp-class,
>>>>> but
>>>>> I'm not sure if this supports the e00 format.
>>>>> I hope this e-mail provides you with some clues to work with,
>>>>> cheers and good luck with your thesis,
>>>>> Paul
>>>>> Jian Li wrote:
>>>>>> Dear r-sig-geo Members,
>>>>>> recently, I've been trying to display the information from a e00
>>>>>> file
>>>>>> (Grauss-Krüger coordinatensystem) in Google map but until now no
>>>>>> success.
>>>>>> I would be very appreciated if anyone can help me to solve the
>>>>>> problem which directly concerns my master thesis.
>>>>>> e00 file is under
>>>>>> http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~jian/phpMysqlGoogle/nat.e00
>>>>>> available
>>>>>> Thank you in Advanced
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Jian
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