[R-sig-Geo] spTransform: wrong results??
Agustin Lobo
alobolistas at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 11:02:17 CEST 2009
First at all, I think that the problem is solved.
Note that I was setting the CRS in QGIS, thus it is unequivocally
specified as EPSG 23031, then read into R through readOGR()
Anyway, the problem is that I was setting the towgs84 field as:
proj4string(wpcast300SPDF) <- CRS(paste(" +proj=utm +zone=31 +ellps=intl
+units=m +towgs84=-84 -107 -120 +no_defs"))
while it must be:
proj4string(wpcast300SPDF) <- CRS(paste(" +proj=utm +zone=31 +ellps=intl
+units=m +towgs84=-84,-107,-120 +no_defs"))
Note the "," !!!
With this I get:
Origianl point set in QGIS UTM 31N ED50
POINT(449919.586269 4631874.109627)
Official reference (on-line tool of the Catalan Institute of Cartography)
ICC WGS84 2.395717586,41.835328397
GlobalMapper ED50 2.39686371° E 41.83643863° N
GlobalMapper WGS84 2.39572870° E 41.83535625° N
R (spTransform() in rgdal)
ED50 no towgs84 field specified
WP1 2.39686370617169 41.8364386271064
WGS84 no towgs84 field specified
WP1 2.39686370617169 41.8364386271064
WGS84 with towgs84=-87, -98,-121
WP1 2.395729 41.83536
WGS84 with towgs84=-84,-107,-120
WP1 2.395619 41.83535
The equivalent syntax in cs2cs:
cs2cs -v -f "%.9f" +init=epsg:23031 +towgs84=-87,-98,-121 +to
provides identical output
Also note that the parameters found in http://earth-info.nga.mil
are closer to ICC output and identical to GlobalMapper output
I think that without the "," spTransform() was probably using just
the first parameter.
Thanks for your help!
Roger Bivand wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Jul 2009, Agustin Lobo wrote:
>> Here you have some results with
>> different software for the transformation
>> of one single UTM 31N ED50 coordinate to
>> lon,lat ED50 and lon,lat WGS84.
>> My understanding of this problem seems to
>> be decreasing as I do more testing.
>> QGIS UTM 31N ED50
> This isn't helpful, I'm afraid. You are starting from an unknown, not a
> known. It isn't imposible that QGIS doesn't give a +towgs84 for
> so-called ED50, because ED50 is *not* one datum but many.
> Start with an unequivocally known point in a known datum, such as a GPS
> reading in geographical coordinates and WGS84. Work from there, and it
> should get clearer.
> Datum definitions are not easy at all, because organisations typically
> always worked within a single datum, and never needed to transform
> (until oil was found across two different jurisdictions using different
> datum standards, hence EPSG).
> Roger
>> POINT(449919.586269 4631874.109627)
>> QGIS ED50
>> POINT(2.396864 41.836439)
>> POINT(2.396864 41.836439)
>> GlobalMapper ED50 2.39686371° E 41.83643863° N
>> GlobalMapper WGS84 2.39572870° E 41.83535625° N
>> TNT WGS84
>> POINT(2.396864 41.836439)
>> TNT ED50
>> POINT(2.396864 41.836439)
>> rgdal ED50 no towgs84 field specified
>> WP1 2.39686370617169 41.8364386271064
>> rgdal WGS84 no towgs84 field specified
>> WP1 2.39686370617169 41.8364386271064
>> rgdal WGS84 with towgs84=-87, -98,-121
>> WP1 2.39690750837097 41.8361433350555
>> Agus
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