[R-sig-Geo] German Grid

Paul Hiemstra p.hiemstra at geo.uu.nl
Tue Feb 24 22:41:56 CET 2009

Hi Jan,

Even simpler, once you have a SpatialPolygons object you can use 
spsample() to make a grid in that polygon. For reading polygons look at 
the rgdal package or readShapePoly() in the maptools package. See 
http://spatial.nhh.no/R/etc/world_map_intro.html for a shapefile for the 
whole world, probably you could get a map of germany from that quite easily.

Be sure to take a look at the automap package, it is a wrapper around 
gstat, automating interpolation. Just see what you get from that as a 
start. automap is not (yet) on cran, but you can download it from my 
website (I wrote the package and now I'm advertising it :)) 


Virgilio Gomez Rubio schreef:
> Jan,
> If you have the boundaries of Germany and you want to make your own
> grid, you can use the overlay method to 'cut' the grid so that you only
> get the points inside Germany. You can use this object in gstat to make
> your predictions.
> Hope this helps,
> Virgilio
> El mar, 24-02-2009 a las 18:21 +0100, Jan Hackenberg escribió:
>> Hello
>> im doing a project with Interpolating ( Kriging ) Temperature Data from many
>> Stations in Germany. To do a Kriging i have to use a Grid. So I have now 2
>> options. The better one is too download a prepared grid with the borders of
>> Germany. Then the interpolated map will look great, because i have only
>> Points inside German borders. So does anyone have got such a grid?
>> If no, the other is to make a grid inside a German Bounding Box. Then my map
>> will be a quare :). I have looked in the meuse Data set how such a grid
>> looks like :
>>> meuse.grid
>> Object of class SpatialPixelsDataFrame
>> Object of class SpatialPixels
>> Grid topology:
>>   cellcentre.offset cellsize cells.dim
>> x            178460       40        78
>> y            329620       40       104
>> SpatialPoints:
>>              x      y
>>    [1,] 181180 333740
>>    [2,] 181140 333700
>>    [3,] 181180 333700
>> and so on.
>> So is there any Possibility to make such a grid, if i know : Coordinates of
>> my Bounding Box (upper left coodinates for example (200000,540000), upper
>> right(900000,650000)) and Cellsize for Example 10000?
>> I woult prefer too download an existing grid.
>> Sorry for my bad english and bad knowledge of R. :)
>> Greetings Jan Hackenberg
>> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone:  +3130 274 3113 Mon-Tue
Phone:  +3130 253 5773 Wed-Fri

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