[R-sig-Geo] spplot.points not recognizing logical variables

Edzer Pebesma edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Thu Feb 19 09:48:53 CET 2009

Thanks for mentioning this; the bug has creeped in when I modified code
to allow for multiple panels with factor variables. I'll update later today.

David Rossiter wrote:
> As of the last time I compiled code like the following (17-June-2008),
> it displayed an indicator map:
> require(sp)
> data(meuse)
> # indicator: which observations have high Zn content?
> meuse$ind <- (meuse$zinc > 300)
> table(meuse$ind)
> coordinates(meuse) <- ~x +y
> class(meuse) # SpatialPointsDataFrame
> spplot(meuse, zcol="ind")
> But now, with sp 0.9.29, both on Mac OS X 10.5.3 and Win XP (both with R
> 2.8.1 and all the latest updates) I get this message:
> # Error in create.z(as(obj, "data.frame"), zcol) : 
> #  no support for variable of this type
> Converting to numeric gives me the map I want:
> meuse$ind.n <- as.numeric(meuse$ind)
> spplot(meuse, zcol="ind.n")
> Is there any reason why support for T/F variables was removed from
> spplot.points? I try to teach my students to use the correct class, and
> here clearly it's logical. It defeats the purpose to have to convert to
> numeric! These are not 0/1 they are F/T.
> Thanks,
> D G Rossiter
> ITC Enschede (NL)
> International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
> Chamber of Commerce: 410 27 560
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Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster
Weseler Straße 253, 48151 Münster, Germany. Phone: +49 251
8333081, Fax: +49 251 8339763 http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de/
http://www.springer.com/978-0-387-78170-9 e.pebesma at wwu.de

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