[R-sig-Geo] SpatialGridDataFrame to data.frame
Ned Horning
horning at amnh.org
Thu Feb 12 10:09:54 CET 2009
Roger and Robert,
Thanks for the help. Once again I am close but I can't figure out how to
use the attribute data to control the sampling. I'd like to stratify the
sampling by attribute value. In the Shapefile I have an integer
attribute "covertype". There can be several polygons with the same
covertype ID. What I want to do is get 100 sample points from polygons
of covertype=1, 100 points from polygons of covertype=2... Is that
possible? I looked at readShapePoly, readORG, and the suite of tools in
spsample and but didn't see what I was looking for.
It looks like overlay() is a good way to assign the value of covertype
to coordinate pairs.
One solution to fix all of this is to have a separate Shapefile for each
covertype but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
Roger Bivand wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Robert Hijmans wrote:
>> Hi Ned,
>> Good to hear that. For your other question, have a look at:
>> require(maptools)
>> ?readShapePoly
> Or more generally readOGR() in rgdal for another use of the underlying
> shapelib code.
>> require(sp)
>> ?sample.Polygons
> Most likely the spsample() method will be enough, without having to
> pick a specific method - but if necessary the Polygons objects can be
> dissolved using unionSpatialPolygons() in maptools.
> Roger
>> Robert
>> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Ned Horning <horning at amnh.org> wrote:
>>> Robert,
>>> This worked - thanks. It's always uplifting to see an actual image
>>> after
>>> working on something for a while. Now I can start playing with
>>> parameters
>>> and playing with different approaches. I'm just (re)starting my R
>>> education
>>> and I'm pretty slow getting the hang of it but your examples help a
>>> lot.
>>> They also give me more avenues to discover other functionality and
>>> different
>>> ways of doing things. I hope I can keep working with R and GRASS
>>> until I
>>> know it this time. My goal is to get to the point where I can be
>>> productive
>>> with these packages and start training other folks.
>>> The raster package looks very nice and I'll keep an eye on its
>>> development.
>>> One step that I am currently doing in GRASS is to read a Shapefile with
>>> training data (polygons with an integer attribute representing a
>>> land cover
>>> type) and then randomly create 100 points within each set of polygons
>>> representing a specific land cover type. I do this for each land
>>> cover type
>>> and then concatenate the results into a text file. This file has the
>>> coordinates that I use in xyValues to get the pixels values from the
>>> SPOT
>>> image. Is there a way to do this sampling using the raster package or
>>> another R package that you are familiar with? In GRASS I convert the
>>> Shapefile to a raster image before doing the random sampling and it
>>> would be
>>> nice if I could skip this step.
>>> All the best,
>>> Ned
>>> Robert Hijmans wrote:
>>>> I see, in my example, I had a single quantitative variable but you
>>>> probably have land cover classes or something like that. If the
>>>> classes are in fact numbers stored as text then use
>>>> pred <- as.numeric(pred)
>>>> but if you have words such as 'forest', 'crops', 'water' you could do
>>>> something like
>>>> ...
>>>> pred <- predict(randfor, rowvals)
>>>> pred[pred=='forest'] <- 1
>>>> pred[pred=='crops'] <- 2
>>>> pred[pred=='water'] <- 3
>>>> pred <- as.numeric(pred)
>>>> predrast <- setValues(predrast, pred, r)
>>>> ...
>>>> not pretty, you could also fit RF with classes that can be interpreted
>>>> as numbers..
>>>> Make sure you do not get:
>>>> Warning message:
>>>> NAs introduced by coercion
>>>> which would suggest that some character values could not be
>>>> transformed to numbers.
>>>> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:56 AM, Ned Horning <horning at amnh.org> wrote:
>>>>> Robert,
>>>>> Using predrast <- setValues(predrast, as.vector(pred), r) I got
>>>>> another
>>>>> error: values must be numeric, integer or logical.
>>>>> class(pred) = "factor"
>>>>> dim(pred) = NULL
>>>>> class(v) = "character"
>>>>> length(v) == ncol(spot) = TRUE
>>>>> Ned
>>>>> Robert Hijmans wrote:
>>>>>> Strange. You could try
>>>>>> predrast <- setValues(predrast, as.vector(pred), r)
>>>>>> But it would be good to know what pred is.
>>>>>> Can you do this:
>>>>>> class(pred)
>>>>>> dim(pred)
>>>>>> v <- as.vector(pred)
>>>>>> class(v)
>>>>>> length(v) == ncol(spot)
>>>>>> Robert
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Ned Horning <horning at amnh.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Robert and Roger,
>>>>>>> Thanks for the information and pointers. The raster package
>>>>>>> looks quite
>>>>>>> interesting and I'll try to get up to speed on some of its
>>>>>>> capabilities.
>>>>>>> Are
>>>>>>> the man pages the best way to do that or is that a single document
>>>>>>> available?
>>>>>>> I made some progress but still have some questions. I followed the
>>>>>>> steps
>>>>>>> laid out by Robert and everything went fine except I ran into an
>>>>>>> error
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> "predrast <- setValues(predrast, pred, r)" in the for loop when
>>>>>>> I tried
>>>>>>> processing one line at a time and "r <- setValues(r, pred)" when
>>>>>>> I ran
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> full image in one go. The error was: "values must be a vector." Any
>>>>>>> idea
>>>>>>> what I'm doing wrong?
>>>>>>> I tried to read the GRASS files directly but got a message
>>>>>>> saying it is
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> a supported file format. Can you confirm that is the case or am
>>>>>>> I doing
>>>>>>> something wrong? I was able to read a tiff version of the image.
>>>>>>> I am
>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>> to run gdalinfo on GRASS files just fine from a terminal window.
>>>>>>> Thanks again for the help.
>>>>>>> Ned
>>>>>>> Robert Hijmans wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ned,
>>>>>>>> This is an example of running a RandomForest prediction with the
>>>>>>>> raster package (for the simple case that there are no NA values
>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>> raster data; if there are, you have to into account that "predict'
>>>>>>>> does not return any values (not even NA) for those cells).
>>>>>>>> Robert
>>>>>>>> #install.packages("raster", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
>>>>>>>> require(raster)
>>>>>>>> require(randomForest)
>>>>>>>> # for single band files
>>>>>>>> spot <- stack('b1.tif', 'b2.tif', 'b3.tif')
>>>>>>>> # for multiple band files
>>>>>>>> # spot <- stackFromFiles(c('bands.tif', 'bands.tif', 'bands.tif'),
>>>>>>>> c(1,2,3) )
>>>>>>>> # simulate random points and values to model with
>>>>>>>> xy <- xyFromCell(spot, round(runif(100) * ncell(spot)))
>>>>>>>> response <- runif(100) * 100
>>>>>>>> # read values of raster layers at points, and bind to respinse
>>>>>>>> trainvals <- cbind(response, xyValues(spot, xy))
>>>>>>>> # run RandomForest
>>>>>>>> randfor <- randomForest(response ~ b1 + b2 + b3, data=trainvals)
>>>>>>>> # apply the prediction, row by row
>>>>>>>> predrast <- setRaster(spot)
>>>>>>>> filename(predrast) <- 'RF_pred.grd'
>>>>>>>> for (r in 1:nrow(spot)) {
>>>>>>>> spot <- readRow(spot, r)
>>>>>>>> rowvals <- values(spot, names=TRUE)
>>>>>>>> # this next line should not be necessary, but it is
>>>>>>>> # I'll fix that
>>>>>>>> colnames(rowvals) <- c('b1', 'b2', 'b3')
>>>>>>>> pred <- predict(randfor, rowvals)
>>>>>>>> predrast <- setValues(predrast, pred, r)
>>>>>>>> predrast <- writeRaster(predrast, overwrite=TRUE)
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> plot(predrast)
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Roger Bivand
>>>>>>>> <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ned:
>>>>>>>>> The three bands are most likely treated as 4-byte integers, so
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> object
>>>>>>>>> will be 2732 by 3058 by 3 by 4 plus a little bit. That's
>>>>>>>>> 100MB. They
>>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>> get copied too. There are no single byte user-level containers
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> (there is a raw data type, but you can't calculate with it).
>>>>>>>>> Possibly
>>>>>>>>> saying spot_frame <- slot(spot, "data") will save one copying
>>>>>>>>> operation,
>>>>>>>>> but its hard to tell - your choice of method first adds inn
>>>>>>>>> all the
>>>>>>>>> coordinates, which are 8-byte numbers, so more than doubles
>>>>>>>>> its size
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> makes more copies (to 233MB for each copy). Running gc() several
>>>>>>>>> times
>>>>>>>>> manually between steps often helps by making the garbage
>>>>>>>>> collector
>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>> aggressive.
>>>>>>>>> I would watch the developments in the R-Forge package
>>>>>>>>> "raster", which
>>>>>>>>> builds on some of these things, and try to see how that works.
>>>>>>>>> If you
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> the GDAL-GRASS plugin for rasters, you can use readGDAL to
>>>>>>>>> read from
>>>>>>>>> GRASS
>>>>>>>>> - which would work with raster package functions now. Look at the
>>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> recent readRAST6 to see which incantations are needed. If you are
>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> use randomForest for prediction, you can use smaller tiles
>>>>>>>>> until you
>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>> an alternative solution. Note that feeding a data frame of
>>>>>>>>> integers
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> model fitting or prediction function will result in coercion to a
>>>>>>>>> matrix of doubles, so your subsequent workflow should take
>>>>>>>>> that into
>>>>>>>>> account.
>>>>>>>>> Getting more memory is another option, and may be very cost and
>>>>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>>>> time effective - at the moment your machine is swapping. Buying
>>>>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>> save you time programming around too little memory.
>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>>>> Roger
>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>> Roger Bivand, NHH, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
>>>>>>>>> Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: r-sig-geo-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch on behalf of Ned
>>>>>>>>> Horning
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wed 11.02.2009 07:40
>>>>>>>>> To: r-sig-geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
>>>>>>>>> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] SpatialGridDataFrame to data.frame
>>>>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to read an image from GRASS using the spgrass6
>>>>>>>>> command
>>>>>>>>> readRAST6 and then convert it into a data.frame object so I
>>>>>>>>> can use
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> with randomForest. The byte image I'm reading is 2732 rows x 3058
>>>>>>>>> columns x 3 bands. It's a small subset of a larger image I
>>>>>>>>> would like
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> use eventually. I have no problem reading the image using
>>>>>>>>> readRAST6
>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>> when I try to convert it to a data.frame object my linux system
>>>>>>>>> resources (1BG RAM, 3GB swap) nearly get maxed out and it runs
>>>>>>>>> for a
>>>>>>>>> couple hours before I kill the process. The image is less than
>>>>>>>>> 25MB
>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>> I'm surprised it requires this level of memory. Can someone
>>>>>>>>> let me
>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>> why this is. Should I use something other than the GRASS
>>>>>>>>> interface
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> this? These are the commands I'm using:
>>>>>>>>> spot <- readRAST6(c("subset.red", "subset.green", "subset.blue"))
>>>>>>>>> spot_frame <- as(spot, "data.frame")
>>>>>>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>>>>> Ned
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