[R-sig-Geo] How to move an island?!

Peter Jepsen PJ at DCE.AU.DK
Thu Feb 12 09:29:34 CET 2009

Dear all,

I have only just begun plotting on maps, so please bear with me. I am
plotting a map of Denmark in which each county is colorcoded by its
incidence of a particular disease. I am using the map data found at
http://biogeo.berkeley.edu/bgm/gdatares.php. The map is perfect, but the
island of Bornholm, which is located far east of the rest of Denmark, is
in its rightful place. To make the map look better, I want to move it
northwest and put a box around it - this is common practice for maps of
Denmark, in case you wonder.

I thought that I could simply find the coordinates for Bornholm and
change them by subtraction/addition, but I can't make it work. 

For simplicity, I first create a separate dataset for Bornholm:

born <- dmk[dmk[[3]]=="Bornholm",]
> class(born)
[1] "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
[1] "sp"

The output from the command -slot(born, "polygons")- is long and pasted
at the bottom of this mail. Bornholm is made up of 5 polygons. How do I
access and change the coordinates?  

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) 


attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] RColorBrewer_1.0-2 maptools_0.7-18    sp_0.9-29
[5] chron_2.3-28       reshape_0.8.2      plyr_0.1.4         epiR_0.9-14

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.8.1      lattice_0.17-20
Thank you in advance for any help!

Kind regards,
Peter Jepsen, MD.

> slot(born,"polygons")
An object of class "Polygons"
Slot "Polygons":
An object of class "Polygon"
Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.93360 55.18284

Slot "area":
[1] 0.02132633

Slot "hole":

Slot "ringDir":
[1] 1

Slot "coords":
           [,1]     [,2]
  [1,] 14.74450 55.25941
  [2,] 14.74954 55.26576
  [3,] 14.75460 55.27808
  [4,] 14.75489 55.27881
  [5,] 14.75441 55.28239
  [6,] 14.75381 55.28687
  [7,] 14.75334 55.29034
  [8,] 14.77223 55.30014
  [9,] 14.77590 55.29659
 [10,] 14.77639 55.29427
 [11,] 14.77480 55.29263
 [12,] 14.77608 55.29094
 [13,] 14.78393 55.28999
 [14,] 14.78513 55.28917
 [15,] 14.78525 55.28828
 [16,] 14.78637 55.28833
 [17,] 14.79954 55.27936
 [18,] 14.80229 55.27904
 [19,] 14.80276 55.27554
 [20,] 14.80441 55.27561
 [21,] 14.80461 55.27444
 [22,] 14.81148 55.26933
 [23,] 14.81180 55.26692
 [24,] 14.81396 55.26702
 [25,] 14.81659 55.25968
 [26,] 14.82223 55.25358
 [27,] 14.82505 55.25293
 [28,] 14.82914 55.25199
 [29,] 14.83412 55.24869
 [30,] 14.84561 55.24796
 [31,] 14.85450 55.24211
 [32,] 14.87069 55.23971
 [33,] 14.87092 55.23798
 [34,] 14.87394 55.23811
 [35,] 14.87913 55.23555
 [36,] 14.87980 55.23404
 [37,] 14.88147 55.23028
 [38,] 14.88653 55.22743
 [39,] 14.90632 55.22203
 [40,] 14.91248 55.22152
 [41,] 14.91856 55.22101
 [42,] 14.93965 55.21001
 [43,] 14.94801 55.20969
 [44,] 14.95554 55.21334
 [45,] 14.96859 55.21518
 [46,] 14.97698 55.21123
 [47,] 14.97758 55.20655
 [48,] 14.98081 55.20669
 [49,] 14.98628 55.20021
 [50,] 14.98658 55.19793
 [51,] 14.98815 55.19799
 [52,] 14.99110 55.19450
 [53,] 14.99268 55.19233
 [54,] 15.00000 55.18967
 [55,] 15.00427 55.18813
 [56,] 15.01794 55.17828
 [57,] 15.02075 55.17723
 [58,] 15.03137 55.17327
 [59,] 15.03702 55.17277
 [60,] 15.04160 55.17237
 [61,] 15.04540 55.16927
 [62,] 15.04712 55.16787
 [63,] 15.05378 55.16531
 [64,] 15.05790 55.16372
 [65,] 15.06153 55.15981
 [66,] 15.07202 55.15820
 [67,] 15.07648 55.15446
 [68,] 15.09657 55.14877
 [69,] 15.10328 55.14748
 [70,] 15.10368 55.14431
 [71,] 15.09584 55.14398
 [72,] 15.09640 55.13950
 [73,] 15.09696 55.13501
 [74,] 15.08913 55.13469
 [75,] 15.08969 55.13020
 [76,] 15.09025 55.12572
 [77,] 15.08242 55.12539
 [78,] 15.08299 55.12091
 [79,] 15.08355 55.11643
 [80,] 15.07572 55.11610
 [81,] 15.07628 55.11161
 [82,] 15.07684 55.10713
 [83,] 15.06902 55.10680
 [84,] 15.06958 55.10232
 [85,] 15.06176 55.10199
 [86,] 15.05393 55.10166
 [87,] 15.04611 55.10133
 [88,] 15.03828 55.10099
 [89,] 15.03046 55.10066
 [90,] 15.02263 55.10033
 [91,] 15.01481 55.09999
 [92,] 15.00699 55.09966
 [93,] 14.99916 55.09932
 [94,] 14.99859 55.10381
 [95,] 14.99077 55.10347
 [96,] 14.98294 55.10313
 [97,] 14.98237 55.10761
 [98,] 14.97455 55.10728
 [99,] 14.97397 55.11176
[100,] 14.97340 55.11624
[101,] 14.97282 55.12072
[102,] 14.97225 55.12521
[103,] 14.97168 55.12969
[104,] 14.96385 55.12935
[105,] 14.96327 55.13383
[106,] 14.95544 55.13349
[107,] 14.94761 55.13316
[108,] 14.94703 55.13764
[109,] 14.93920 55.13730
[110,] 14.93137 55.13696
[111,] 14.93079 55.14144
[112,] 14.92296 55.14110
[113,] 14.91513 55.14076
[114,] 14.91455 55.14524
[115,] 14.90672 55.14490
[116,] 14.89889 55.14456
[117,] 14.89830 55.14904
[118,] 14.89772 55.15352
[119,] 14.89714 55.15800
[120,] 14.89655 55.16248
[121,] 14.90439 55.16282
[122,] 14.90381 55.16731
[123,] 14.90322 55.17179
[124,] 14.89539 55.17144
[125,] 14.88755 55.17110
[126,] 14.87971 55.17076
[127,] 14.87913 55.17524
[128,] 14.87129 55.17490
[129,] 14.87070 55.17938
[130,] 14.87012 55.18386
[131,] 14.86953 55.18834
[132,] 14.86894 55.19282
[133,] 14.86836 55.19730
[134,] 14.86051 55.19696
[135,] 14.85993 55.20144
[136,] 14.86777 55.20178
[137,] 14.86718 55.20626
[138,] 14.86659 55.21075
[139,] 14.85875 55.21040
[140,] 14.85816 55.21488
[141,] 14.85032 55.21454
[142,] 14.84247 55.21419
[143,] 14.83462 55.21384
[144,] 14.83522 55.20937
[145,] 14.82737 55.20902
[146,] 14.82678 55.21350
[147,] 14.81893 55.21315
[148,] 14.81834 55.21763
[149,] 14.81050 55.21729
[150,] 14.80990 55.22177
[151,] 14.80206 55.22142
[152,] 14.80146 55.22590
[153,] 14.79361 55.22555
[154,] 14.78577 55.22520
[155,] 14.78636 55.22072
[156,] 14.77852 55.22037
[157,] 14.77792 55.22485
[158,] 14.77007 55.22450
[159,] 14.76947 55.22898
[160,] 14.76887 55.23346
[161,] 14.76827 55.23794
[162,] 14.76767 55.24242
[163,] 14.76707 55.24690
[164,] 14.76647 55.25138
[165,] 14.76587 55.25586
[166,] 14.76527 55.26034
[167,] 14.75742 55.25999
[168,] 14.74957 55.25964
[169,] 14.74450 55.25941

An object of class "Polygon"
Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.74174 55.25531

Slot "area":
[1] 1.212006e-06

Slot "hole":

Slot "ringDir":
[1] 1

Slot "coords":
         [,1]     [,2]
[1,] 14.74079 55.25474
[2,] 14.74210 55.25639
[3,] 14.74232 55.25481
[4,] 14.74079 55.25474

Slot "plotOrder":
[1] 1 2

Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.93360 55.18284

Slot "ID":
[1] "9"

Slot "area":
[1] 0.02132754

An object of class "Polygons"
Slot "Polygons":
An object of class "Polygon"
Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.78569 55.18178

Slot "area":
[1] 0.01632464

Slot "hole":

Slot "ringDir":
[1] 1

Slot "coords":
           [,1]     [,2]
  [1,] 14.74450 55.25941
  [2,] 14.74957 55.25964
  [3,] 14.75742 55.25999
  [4,] 14.76527 55.26034
  [5,] 14.76587 55.25586
  [6,] 14.76647 55.25138
  [7,] 14.76707 55.24690
  [8,] 14.76767 55.24242
  [9,] 14.76827 55.23794
 [10,] 14.76887 55.23346
 [11,] 14.76947 55.22898
 [12,] 14.77007 55.22450
 [13,] 14.77792 55.22485
 [14,] 14.77852 55.22037
 [15,] 14.78636 55.22072
 [16,] 14.78577 55.22520
 [17,] 14.79361 55.22555
 [18,] 14.80146 55.22590
 [19,] 14.80206 55.22142
 [20,] 14.80990 55.22177
 [21,] 14.81050 55.21729
 [22,] 14.81834 55.21763
 [23,] 14.81893 55.21315
 [24,] 14.82678 55.21350
 [25,] 14.82737 55.20902
 [26,] 14.83522 55.20937
 [27,] 14.83462 55.21384
 [28,] 14.84247 55.21419
 [29,] 14.85032 55.21454
 [30,] 14.85816 55.21488
 [31,] 14.85875 55.21040
 [32,] 14.86659 55.21075
 [33,] 14.86718 55.20626
 [34,] 14.86777 55.20178
 [35,] 14.85993 55.20144
 [36,] 14.86051 55.19696
 [37,] 14.86836 55.19730
 [38,] 14.86894 55.19282
 [39,] 14.86953 55.18834
 [40,] 14.87012 55.18386
 [41,] 14.87070 55.17938
 [42,] 14.87129 55.17490
 [43,] 14.87913 55.17524
 [44,] 14.87971 55.17076
 [45,] 14.88755 55.17110
 [46,] 14.89539 55.17144
 [47,] 14.90322 55.17179
 [48,] 14.90381 55.16731
 [49,] 14.90439 55.16282
 [50,] 14.89655 55.16248
 [51,] 14.89714 55.15800
 [52,] 14.89772 55.15352
 [53,] 14.89830 55.14904
 [54,] 14.89889 55.14456
 [55,] 14.89947 55.14008
 [56,] 14.90005 55.13559
 [57,] 14.89222 55.13525
 [58,] 14.89281 55.13077
 [59,] 14.88498 55.13043
 [60,] 14.88439 55.13491
 [61,] 14.88381 55.13939
 [62,] 14.88322 55.14387
 [63,] 14.87539 55.14353
 [64,] 14.86756 55.14318
 [65,] 14.85973 55.14284
 [66,] 14.85190 55.14249
 [67,] 14.84407 55.14215
 [68,] 14.83624 55.14180
 [69,] 14.83565 55.14628
 [70,] 14.82782 55.14594
 [71,] 14.82841 55.14146
 [72,] 14.82057 55.14111
 [73,] 14.81275 55.14076
 [74,] 14.81334 55.13628
 [75,] 14.80551 55.13593
 [76,] 14.80610 55.13145
 [77,] 14.79827 55.13110
 [78,] 14.79044 55.13075
 [79,] 14.78262 55.13041
 [80,] 14.77479 55.13005
 [81,] 14.77538 55.12557
 [82,] 14.76756 55.12522
 [83,] 14.76696 55.12970
 [84,] 14.75913 55.12935
 [85,] 14.75130 55.12900
 [86,] 14.74348 55.12865
 [87,] 14.73565 55.12830
 [88,] 14.73505 55.13277
 [89,] 14.72722 55.13242
 [90,] 14.72662 55.13690
 [91,] 14.72602 55.14138
 [92,] 14.71819 55.14103
 [93,] 14.71758 55.14551
 [94,] 14.70975 55.14516
 [95,] 14.70351 55.14487
 [96,] 14.70161 55.14808
 [97,] 14.70150 55.14925
 [98,] 14.70396 55.16602
 [99,] 14.70121 55.17632
[100,] 14.70552 55.17652
[101,] 14.70491 55.18100
[102,] 14.70003 55.18077
[103,] 14.69929 55.18353
[104,] 14.70236 55.18701
[105,] 14.69951 55.19428
[106,] 14.70310 55.19444
[107,] 14.70249 55.19892
[108,] 14.70225 55.20072
[109,] 14.70455 55.20477
[110,] 14.70318 55.21014
[111,] 14.70527 55.21257
[112,] 14.70851 55.21272
[113,] 14.70809 55.21585
[114,] 14.70936 55.21733
[115,] 14.70820 55.22176
[116,] 14.71488 55.22731
[117,] 14.71952 55.23575
[118,] 14.72118 55.23582
[119,] 14.72101 55.23705
[120,] 14.73076 55.24552
[121,] 14.73948 55.25308
[122,] 14.74079 55.25474
[123,] 14.74232 55.25481
[124,] 14.74210 55.25639
[125,] 14.74450 55.25941

Slot "plotOrder":
[1] 1

Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.78569 55.18178

Slot "ID":
[1] "78"

Slot "area":
[1] 0.01632464

An object of class "Polygons"
Slot "Polygons":
An object of class "Polygon"
Slot "labpt":
[1] 15.07812 55.06290

Slot "area":
[1] 0.01516297

Slot "hole":

Slot "ringDir":
[1] 1

Slot "coords":
           [,1]     [,2]
  [1,] 15.10328 55.14748
  [2,] 15.11661 55.14492
  [3,] 15.12046 55.14214
  [4,] 15.14019 55.14267
  [5,] 15.14262 55.13884
  [6,] 15.14372 55.13885
  [7,] 15.14395 55.13698
  [8,] 15.14862 55.13717
  [9,] 15.14859 55.13269
 [10,] 15.15228 55.13227
 [11,] 15.15289 55.12834
 [12,] 15.15345 55.12386
 [13,] 15.14562 55.12353
 [14,] 15.14617 55.11905
 [15,] 15.14673 55.11456
 [16,] 15.14531 55.11247
 [17,] 15.14700 55.10990
 [18,] 15.14783 55.10560
 [19,] 15.14816 55.10296
 [20,] 15.14824 55.10228
 [21,] 15.14860 55.10119
 [22,] 15.14878 55.09883
 [23,] 15.14894 55.09663
 [24,] 15.15135 55.09673
 [25,] 15.15702 55.09211
 [26,] 15.15731 55.09067
 [27,] 15.15512 55.08769
 [28,] 15.15869 55.08134
 [29,] 15.15641 55.07892
 [30,] 15.15115 55.07870
 [31,] 15.15160 55.07509
 [32,] 15.15010 55.07415
 [33,] 15.14389 55.07389
 [34,] 15.14430 55.07052
 [35,] 15.14239 55.06932
 [36,] 15.13662 55.06908
 [37,] 15.13720 55.06625
 [38,] 15.13755 55.06459
 [39,] 15.12936 55.06428
 [40,] 15.12991 55.05979
 [41,] 15.13042 55.05565
 [42,] 15.12265 55.05499
 [43,] 15.12321 55.05050
 [44,] 15.11539 55.05017
 [45,] 15.11595 55.04569
 [46,] 15.11650 55.04121
 [47,] 15.10869 55.04088
 [48,] 15.10957 55.03604
 [49,] 15.11614 55.02894
 [50,] 15.11816 55.02788
 [51,] 15.11873 55.02328
 [52,] 15.11893 55.02163
 [53,] 15.11708 55.01969
 [54,] 15.11950 55.01705
 [55,] 15.11992 55.01417
 [56,] 15.11203 55.01398
 [57,] 15.11257 55.00961
 [58,] 15.10478 55.00917
 [59,] 15.10528 55.00509
 [60,] 15.09753 55.00436
 [61,] 15.09805 55.00013
 [62,] 15.09028 54.99955
 [63,] 15.09084 54.99507
 [64,] 15.08304 54.99474
 [65,] 15.08360 54.99025
 [66,] 15.07579 54.98993
 [67,] 15.06799 54.98959
 [68,] 15.06019 54.98926
 [69,] 15.05239 54.98893
 [70,] 15.05182 54.99342
 [71,] 15.04402 54.99308
 [72,] 15.03622 54.99275
 [73,] 15.03565 54.99723
 [74,] 15.02785 54.99690
 [75,] 15.02005 54.99657
 [76,] 15.01948 55.00105
 [77,] 15.01167 55.00071
 [78,] 15.00387 55.00038
 [79,] 14.99607 55.00004
 [80,] 14.99550 55.00452
 [81,] 14.99493 55.00901
 [82,] 14.99436 55.01349
 [83,] 14.99379 55.01797
 [84,] 14.99322 55.02245
 [85,] 15.00103 55.02279
 [86,] 15.00046 55.02727
 [87,] 15.00827 55.02761
 [88,] 15.00770 55.03209
 [89,] 15.01551 55.03243
 [90,] 15.01495 55.03691
 [91,] 15.01438 55.04139
 [92,] 15.01381 55.04587
 [93,] 15.00600 55.04554
 [94,] 15.00543 55.05002
 [95,] 15.01324 55.05035
 [96,] 15.01267 55.05484
 [97,] 15.01211 55.05932
 [98,] 15.01154 55.06380
 [99,] 15.01935 55.06413
[100,] 15.01879 55.06862
[101,] 15.01822 55.07310
[102,] 15.01765 55.07758
[103,] 15.02547 55.07792
[104,] 15.02490 55.08240
[105,] 15.02434 55.08688
[106,] 15.02377 55.09136
[107,] 15.01595 55.09103
[108,] 15.01538 55.09551
[109,] 15.01481 55.09999
[110,] 15.02263 55.10033
[111,] 15.03046 55.10066
[112,] 15.03828 55.10099
[113,] 15.04611 55.10133
[114,] 15.05393 55.10166
[115,] 15.06176 55.10199
[116,] 15.06958 55.10232
[117,] 15.06902 55.10680
[118,] 15.07684 55.10713
[119,] 15.07628 55.11161
[120,] 15.07572 55.11610
[121,] 15.08355 55.11643
[122,] 15.08299 55.12091
[123,] 15.08242 55.12539
[124,] 15.09025 55.12572
[125,] 15.08969 55.13020
[126,] 15.08913 55.13469
[127,] 15.09696 55.13501
[128,] 15.09640 55.13950
[129,] 15.09584 55.14398
[130,] 15.10368 55.14431
[131,] 15.10328 55.14748

Slot "plotOrder":
[1] 1

Slot "labpt":
[1] 15.07812 55.06290

Slot "ID":
[1] "139"

Slot "area":
[1] 0.01516297

An object of class "Polygons"
Slot "Polygons":
An object of class "Polygon"
Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.73583 55.10616

Slot "area":
[1] 0.004280022

Slot "hole":

Slot "ringDir":
[1] 1

Slot "coords":
          [,1]     [,2]
 [1,] 14.73563 55.06969
 [2,] 14.73503 55.07418
 [3,] 14.72813 55.07386
 [4,] 14.72706 55.07502
 [5,] 14.72662 55.07830
 [6,] 14.72602 55.08278
 [7,] 14.71820 55.08243
 [8,] 14.71038 55.08207
 [9,] 14.70978 55.08656
[10,] 14.70196 55.08620
[11,] 14.70135 55.09068
[12,] 14.69338 55.09008
[13,] 14.69308 55.09368
[14,] 14.69630 55.09442
[15,] 14.69563 55.09721
[16,] 14.69024 55.09824
[17,] 14.68483 55.09653
[18,] 14.68445 55.09930
[19,] 14.68746 55.10255
[20,] 14.69439 55.10326
[21,] 14.69785 55.10672
[22,] 14.70006 55.11415
[23,] 14.69727 55.12097
[24,] 14.70293 55.12499
[25,] 14.70315 55.12683
[26,] 14.70434 55.12688
[27,] 14.70372 55.13150
[28,] 14.70503 55.14230
[29,] 14.70351 55.14487
[30,] 14.70975 55.14516
[31,] 14.71758 55.14551
[32,] 14.71819 55.14103
[33,] 14.72602 55.14138
[34,] 14.72662 55.13690
[35,] 14.72722 55.13242
[36,] 14.73505 55.13277
[37,] 14.73565 55.12830
[38,] 14.74348 55.12865
[39,] 14.75130 55.12900
[40,] 14.75913 55.12935
[41,] 14.76696 55.12970
[42,] 14.76756 55.12522
[43,] 14.76816 55.12074
[44,] 14.77598 55.12109
[45,] 14.77658 55.11661
[46,] 14.77717 55.11213
[47,] 14.77777 55.10765
[48,] 14.78559 55.10800
[49,] 14.78619 55.10352
[50,] 14.78678 55.09904
[51,] 14.78738 55.09456
[52,] 14.77956 55.09421
[53,] 14.78015 55.08973
[54,] 14.77233 55.08937
[55,] 14.76451 55.08902
[56,] 14.75669 55.08867
[57,] 14.75729 55.08419
[58,] 14.75789 55.07971
[59,] 14.75848 55.07523
[60,] 14.75067 55.07488
[61,] 14.75127 55.07040
[62,] 14.74345 55.07005
[63,] 14.73563 55.06969

Slot "plotOrder":
[1] 1

Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.73583 55.10616

Slot "ID":
[1] "173"

Slot "area":
[1] 0.004280022

An object of class "Polygons"
Slot "Polygons":
An object of class "Polygon"
Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.89665 55.08017

Slot "area":
[1] 0.02517117

Slot "hole":

Slot "ringDir":
[1] 1

Slot "coords":
           [,1]     [,2]
  [1,] 14.99550 55.00452
  [2,] 14.98769 55.00419
  [3,] 14.97989 55.00385
  [4,] 14.97208 55.00352
  [5,] 14.97151 55.00800
  [6,] 14.96371 55.00766
  [7,] 14.95590 55.00732
  [8,] 14.95068 55.00710
  [9,] 14.94791 55.00845
 [10,] 14.94752 55.01147
 [11,] 14.94222 55.01124
 [12,] 14.93953 55.01255
 [13,] 14.93914 55.01561
 [14,] 14.93133 55.01527
 [15,] 14.92353 55.01493
 [16,] 14.92295 55.01941
 [17,] 14.91555 55.01909
 [18,] 14.91435 55.01989
 [19,] 14.90696 55.02165
 [20,] 14.90676 55.02321
 [21,] 14.90142 55.02298
 [22,] 14.89988 55.02291
 [23,] 14.89881 55.02392
 [24,] 14.89837 55.02735
 [25,] 14.89292 55.02711
 [26,] 14.89037 55.02849
 [27,] 14.88998 55.03149
 [28,] 14.88216 55.03126
 [29,] 14.88159 55.03563
 [30,] 14.87378 55.03529
 [31,] 14.87319 55.03977
 [32,] 14.86538 55.03943
 [33,] 14.85757 55.03908
 [34,] 14.85699 55.04356
 [35,] 14.84917 55.04322
 [36,] 14.84136 55.04287
 [37,] 14.83355 55.04252
 [38,] 14.82574 55.04218
 [39,] 14.82515 55.04666
 [40,] 14.81734 55.04631
 [41,] 14.81675 55.05079
 [42,] 14.80894 55.05045
 [43,] 14.80408 55.05023
 [44,] 14.80223 55.05097
 [45,] 14.80098 55.05120
 [46,] 14.80053 55.05458
 [47,] 14.79272 55.05423
 [48,] 14.78491 55.05388
 [49,] 14.77709 55.05353
 [50,] 14.77650 55.05801
 [51,] 14.76869 55.05766
 [52,] 14.76080 55.05784
 [53,] 14.76028 55.06179
 [54,] 14.75246 55.06144
 [55,] 14.75186 55.06592
 [56,] 14.74405 55.06557
 [57,] 14.73813 55.06530
 [58,] 14.73604 55.06666
 [59,] 14.73563 55.06969
 [60,] 14.74345 55.07005
 [61,] 14.75127 55.07040
 [62,] 14.75067 55.07488
 [63,] 14.75848 55.07523
 [64,] 14.75789 55.07971
 [65,] 14.75729 55.08419
 [66,] 14.75669 55.08867
 [67,] 14.76451 55.08902
 [68,] 14.77233 55.08937
 [69,] 14.78015 55.08973
 [70,] 14.77956 55.09421
 [71,] 14.78738 55.09456
 [72,] 14.78678 55.09904
 [73,] 14.78619 55.10352
 [74,] 14.78559 55.10800
 [75,] 14.77777 55.10765
 [76,] 14.77717 55.11213
 [77,] 14.77658 55.11661
 [78,] 14.77598 55.12109
 [79,] 14.76816 55.12074
 [80,] 14.76756 55.12522
 [81,] 14.77538 55.12557
 [82,] 14.77479 55.13005
 [83,] 14.78262 55.13041
 [84,] 14.79044 55.13075
 [85,] 14.79827 55.13110
 [86,] 14.80610 55.13145
 [87,] 14.80551 55.13593
 [88,] 14.81334 55.13628
 [89,] 14.81275 55.14076
 [90,] 14.82057 55.14111
 [91,] 14.82841 55.14146
 [92,] 14.82782 55.14594
 [93,] 14.83565 55.14628
 [94,] 14.83624 55.14180
 [95,] 14.84407 55.14215
 [96,] 14.85190 55.14249
 [97,] 14.85973 55.14284
 [98,] 14.86756 55.14318
 [99,] 14.87539 55.14353
[100,] 14.88322 55.14387
[101,] 14.88381 55.13939
[102,] 14.88439 55.13491
[103,] 14.88498 55.13043
[104,] 14.89281 55.13077
[105,] 14.89222 55.13525
[106,] 14.90005 55.13559
[107,] 14.89947 55.14008
[108,] 14.89889 55.14456
[109,] 14.90672 55.14490
[110,] 14.91455 55.14524
[111,] 14.91513 55.14076
[112,] 14.92296 55.14110
[113,] 14.93079 55.14144
[114,] 14.93137 55.13696
[115,] 14.93920 55.13730
[116,] 14.94703 55.13764
[117,] 14.94761 55.13316
[118,] 14.95544 55.13349
[119,] 14.96327 55.13383
[120,] 14.96385 55.12935
[121,] 14.97168 55.12969
[122,] 14.97225 55.12521
[123,] 14.97282 55.12072
[124,] 14.97340 55.11624
[125,] 14.97397 55.11176
[126,] 14.97455 55.10728
[127,] 14.98237 55.10761
[128,] 14.98294 55.10313
[129,] 14.99077 55.10347
[130,] 14.99859 55.10381
[131,] 14.99916 55.09932
[132,] 15.00699 55.09966
[133,] 15.01481 55.09999
[134,] 15.01538 55.09551
[135,] 15.01595 55.09103
[136,] 15.02377 55.09136
[137,] 15.02434 55.08688
[138,] 15.02490 55.08240
[139,] 15.02547 55.07792
[140,] 15.01765 55.07758
[141,] 15.01822 55.07310
[142,] 15.01879 55.06862
[143,] 15.01935 55.06413
[144,] 15.01154 55.06380
[145,] 15.01211 55.05932
[146,] 15.01267 55.05484
[147,] 15.01324 55.05035
[148,] 15.00543 55.05002
[149,] 15.00600 55.04554
[150,] 15.01381 55.04587
[151,] 15.01438 55.04139
[152,] 15.01495 55.03691
[153,] 15.01551 55.03243
[154,] 15.00770 55.03209
[155,] 15.00827 55.02761
[156,] 15.00046 55.02727
[157,] 15.00103 55.02279
[158,] 14.99322 55.02245
[159,] 14.99379 55.01797
[160,] 14.99436 55.01349
[161,] 14.99493 55.00901
[162,] 14.99550 55.00452

Slot "plotOrder":
[1] 1

Slot "labpt":
[1] 14.89665 55.08017

Slot "ID":
[1] "2"

Slot "area":
[1] 0.02517117

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