[R-sig-Geo] Bi- or Tri-variate maps for R

Virgilio Gómez-Rubio Virgilio.Gomez at uclm.es
Tue Aug 11 21:31:05 CEST 2009


>  Does anyone know any examples of Bi- or Tri-variate maps
> for R like this ArcVie example?

I do not know of any code to do this. However, I am not sure if this is
the best way of displaying bivariate data in one map. The map in Section
IV is difficult to interpret (to me at least). Wouldn't it be better to
provide two separate maps, side by side, or providing a single map with
a summary statistic (for example, the ratio  median house

I am not a geographer, so really cannot comment on this. But I just
think that trying to put too much information in a map may not be a good

Best wishes,


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