[R-sig-Geo] Need an algorithm

Mark Andersen manderse at nmsu.edu
Wed Apr 22 05:42:23 CEST 2009

Many thanks for all the responses to my query regarding identifying 
simulated fire scars and computing their sizes. I received many helpful 
responses, and thankfully no unhelpful ones. It turns out that what I'm 
looking for is called a connected clusters algorithm, and is, as I 
suspected, well-known in percolation theory. Julian Burgos provided some 
code that will do what I need. My next decision will be whether to 
convert Julian's code to Matlab, or to convert my existing Matlab code to R.
Again, my thanks to all!
Mark A.

Dr. Mark C. Andersen, Professor
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
fax: 575-646-1281
web: web.nmsu.edu/~manderse

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