[R-sig-Geo] Shapefile - GRID operations
Jean-Paul Kibambe Lubamba
jean-paul.kibambe at uclouvain.be
Mon Sep 8 12:30:51 CEST 2008
Hello everybody,
I have one GRID with my weights values over my study area. I have also an
Administrative boundaries shapefile of my study area with an unique value
of my variable of interest for each administrative unit.
I want to distribute my unique value by administrative unit for each pixel
of my GRID taking into account the weights of each pixel.
So I want to do the following steps :
1. select an Administrative unit (value of interest = Vi)
2. clip the GRID at the boundaries of that admin unit
3. calculate the sum of the weights for that clipped grid (= Wi)
4. clipped grid * Vi / Wi
... the same for all my administrative units.
5. at the end, have a new GRID of my study area with the value of my
variable of interest distributed over all my administrative units.
So for sure (I mean), there is a more efficient way to do it with R...
Anyone could help me ?
Thanks in advance !
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