[R-sig-Geo] examples

Paul Hiemstra p.hiemstra at geo.uu.nl
Sun Nov 23 23:58:31 CET 2008

[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your XEN ICT Team schreef:
> Hi all!
> I am just trying to show how R could be also an powerful tool in the
> sig-geo arena.
> Please, could anybody be so kind as to pointing to me to any nice free
> example out there? I've been some 3-D rendered surfaces here and 
> there, but I don't know where, if possible, could I find their data 
> and code. Thanks for your help!
> All the best,
> Ricardo
Hi Ricardo,

The sig-geo arena is quite a broad field, so it would help if you could 
be more specific. Most packages include datasets that are used in the 
example for that package. For the gstat package for example the meuse 
dataset is included and the example code is listed in the documentation 
of for example krige(). So install some packages (see for example the 
Spatial Taskview for R) and try the demo command to see what they can do.


Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone:     +31302535773
Fax:    +31302531145

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