[R-sig-Geo] ogr2ogr for converting postGIS layer to shapefile

Murray Richardson murray.richardson at utoronto.ca
Mon Mar 31 20:14:13 CEST 2008

Actually I am currently running an R script to link output from cgal 
routines to postGIS which allows me to handle massive tables and has 
some other advantages for my problem.  However, this clarifies the 
import export option somewhat (although I just learned that I can invoke 
ogr2ogr as a system command which would be a faster option I guess.

Thanks for you input.


G. Allegri wrote:
> Hi Murray.
> About the first question. As far as I understand, you're working in R
> on a *imported* PostGIS layer (I suppose you use rgdal to do it,
> right?). Then you would need to export it to a shapefile (easily done
> with writeOGR). Why are you considering the use of ogr2ogr? As you
> probably  know, it's a binary callable from a command line, and it's
> not possible (AFAIK) to do it from R...
> I dont' understand your second question...
>> Or even better could ogr be used to do this directly on a postGIS layer?
> What do you mean?
> Giovanni

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