[R-sig-Geo] How to check a large neighbourhood matrix?

Oscar Breugelmans Oscar.Breugelmans at rivm.nl
Fri Mar 28 09:02:34 CET 2008

Roger and Danlin:

Thanks for your help on this. This is the code I used to create and plot
the nb:


>From Roger's comments I understand that there is no easy way to zoom in on
this plot. I wanted to specifically zoom in on the plot.nb() because it
shows the connections between the neighbours. I was able to check all the
areas with only 1 neighbour, but was afraid that there would be areas that
had only some of its neighbours assigned correctly. I will try to use xlim=
en ylim= to zoom in on the plot. I think writeOGR() is not really an option
because it will not show the lines connecting the neighbours that plot.nb()
so nicely does.


On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Danlin Yu wrote:

> Oscar:
> If you produced the nb list in R, you can always summarize the nb list
> to see whether there are units that don't have neighbors.
> For instance:
> #loading spdep
> library(spdep)
> #you have read a shapefile of postal code areas:
> post<-read.shape("../yourshapefile.shp")
> #since it is a polygon shapefile, a Map2poly and poly2nb function shall
> do the trick (Roger will have better ideas than my naive ones)
> post.nb<-poly2nb(Map2poly(post))

I think that Oscar had got this far using the prefered sp object:

SPDF <- readShapePoly()

nb <- poly2nb(SPDF)

but had needed to use the snap= argument to poly2nb() to overcome slivers
in his polygons.

> #then you summarize the nb list:
> summary(post.nb)

This helps, because it says which have no neighbours. It will indicate how
to "zoom" in on the plot for the locations of the polygons. To actually
"zoom", use xlim= and ylim= in the plot method for nb objects.

If you want real control, consider writeOGR(SPDF, ..., driver="KML") in
the rgdal package, and equivalently writeOGR() of the
SpatialLinesDataFrame output by nb2lines(), and zoom to your satisfaction
in GE using KML files.


> The summary command will give you the characteristics of the neighbor
> list object, including Number of regions, Number of nonzero links,
> Percentage nonzero weights, Average number of links, regions that have
> no links (which shall give you the idea whether or not some postal code
> areas are connected) and the most and least connected regions
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Dr. Danlin Yu

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