[R-sig-Geo] reading WKB geometry

Jaime Carrera jaime.carrera at ipicyt.edu.mx
Thu Jul 31 07:08:07 CEST 2008

Hi list,

I've been looking around trying to solve this problem; unfortunately I 
haven't found a way to solve it.
I have a database with sampling points with an associated sampling date 
and would like to plot the density of sampling points on a monthly basis 
for one year using spplot. However, I need to query the database and 
import the result of the query into R to visualize the data. I can 
import the query on a column-wise basis but the WKB data are imported as 
chars into R (as expected). Is there a way by which I could read these 
data (WKB geometry) once imported into R? Or is there a way by which 
ReadOGR can read the outcome of the query?
I tried creating a temporary table through the query, but it seems that 
ReadOGR can't read it.

Thanks for your help,


As an example:
 > db.execute("select geo.id as id,geo.wkb_geometry as geom from wells 
as geo, gwhead as h where geo.id=h.id and date_part('year',h.date)=2001 
and h.gwhead<700",clear=F)
 > ids<-db.read.column("id",as.is=F)
 > geom<-db.read.column("geom",as.is=F)
Warning message:
In rpgsql.cast.values.default(data.col) :
  Coercing PGSQL type 16437 to character
 > geom
  [1] "0101000020FF7F00000000000088FD2141000000C09BB95741"
  [2] "0101000020FF7F00000000000088FD2141000000C09BB95741"
  [3] "0101000020FF7F00000000000088FD2141000000C09BB95741"
  [4] "0101000020FF7F00000000000088FD2141000000C09BB95741"
  [5] "0101000020FF7F00000000000088FD2141000000C09BB95741"

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