[R-sig-Geo] Impact of ArcGIS 8.3 beta's new spatial statistical functions in its Spatial Analyst Extension
Paul Hiemstra
p.hiemstra at geo.uu.nl
Thu Jul 3 13:54:31 CEST 2008
Dear Hisaji,
I think that the choice of people for R is not only based on the fact
that a certain method is only available in R. R is much more flexible in
working with data, allows scripting, allows you to see exactly how a
method works, allows you to extend or develop methods and if you write
in script files it also provides a record of what you have done. Apart
from spatial analysis, R also provides a very wide range of "normal"
statistical methods that are not available in ArcGIS (linear regression
and such).
So I don't think a lot of people will forsake R once a few more methods
become available in ArcGIS.
Hisaji ONO wrote:
> Hi.
> What do you think about ArcGIS 8.3's new statistical
> functions(Calculation of spatial or network, GWR,
> Global/Local Moran, Gi etc.) in its Spatial Analyst
> Extension described in
> http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.3/pdf/Whats_New_In_ArcGIS_93.pdf?
> Current R's spdep's and spgwr's and others' end users
> will loose interests of them and go to use ESRI's apart
> from R's?
> And will decrease activities of developments of
> (geo)spatial data analysis tools in R?
> Regards.
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Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone: +31302535773
Fax: +31302531145
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