[R-sig-Geo] while loop help
Takatsugu Kobayashi
tkobayas at indiana.edu
Fri Jan 25 06:15:47 CET 2008
Hi, I must apologize both for this lengthy thread and for posting a
thread based on the same example I have been using.
I successfully created a code that re-arrange 10*10 grid cells of the
same size into new grid cells of varying sizes. Now I am attempting to
create grid cells of the same size that are larger than the orignal
10*10 grid cells, which means the total number of cells is a lot less
than 100. So If I would like to re-arrange a 10*10 grid cells by
combining 4 cells, the number of new grid cells will be 25.
The function I created below stops with errors. It stops when a single
cell is isolated after its cell's 1st order nearest neighbors are
already taken. I guess I could come up with a mathematical way of
avoiding it, but I just wanted to loop it until no single cells are
isolated, which means all new cells have the size equal to n.nb (the
number of cells to be combined).
I would like to use the function below in a while loop or repeat loop,
and when single cells are isolated I want to tell a code to start over
the while loop from the beginning. Because when I set the number of
cells to be combined to 4, there are 25 sets of new grid cells (100/4),
I know there is a solution rather than a code being trapped in an
infinite looping.
So my question is how can I set up a code such that it starts over when
errors occur?
Again, I am sorry for this lengthy thread.
Thank you.
### Include necessary packages
### Define parameters for a grid
start.point <- -0
cco <- c(start.point,start.point)
csize <- c(1,1)
n <- 10 #abs(cco[1]*2)+1
cnum <- c(n,n)
grd <- GridTopology(cco, csize, cnum)
r.grd <- as(grd, "SpatialPolygons")
r.grd.ps <- SpatialPolygons2PolySet(r.grd)
### Subset the grid into n*n single cells
### I use r.grd.ps over r.grd because I did not know how to clip out
Slot "coords" from SpatialPolygons
### I tried lapply(slot(r.grd, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x,
"coords")), but cannot obtain this slot
subPoly <- list()
coords <- list()
for (i in 1:n^2)
beg <- 5*i-4; end <- 5*i
sP <- r.grd.ps[beg:end,]
subPoly[[i]] <- sP
cds <- calcCentroid(sP)
coords[[i]] <- cbind(cds$X, cds$Y)
### 1st order continuity neighbors
knn.nb <- list()
res <- vector("numeric",length=n^2)
for (ki in 1:n^2)
for (ji in 1:n^2)
## Find the cells whose boundaries share with jth cell
res[ji] <-
res[ki] <- 0
## Identify which cells are k-nearest neighbors excluding the
reference zone
knn.nb[[ki]] <- which(res>1)
### Clip individual polygons and merge some of them based on adjacency
## Fixed number of cells to be combined excluding the jth cell
n.nb <- 3
maup <- function (knn.nb, n.nb)
## j for subPoly ID: input
j <- 1
## k for randomPoly ID: output
k <- 1
## A vector of subPoly IDs
sample.cell <- 1:n^2
## A list in which to store combined Polygons
randomPoly <- list()
## A vector of cell areas: for making sure all cells have the size of
n.nb =4
areaPoly <-numeric(n^2/n.nb)
while (all(areaPoly != n.nb))
## Retrieve at most 5 contiguous neighbors
j <- min(which(!is.nan(sample.cell)))
## Pick one nearest neighbor of jth cell randomly, including
the jth cell
d1.id <- which(!is.nan(knn.nb[[j]]))
d1 <- knn.nb[[j]][d1.id]
d1.rand <- round(runif(1,0.5,length(d1)))
d1 <- d1[d1.rand]
nb.list <- append(j, d1)
for (k.nb in 2:n.nb)
## Pick one nearest neighbor of j+1th cell randomly
## Repeat till n.nb and append every cells chosen
## d as nearest neighbors
d_id <- nb.list[k.nb]
d_k_id <- which(!is.nan(knn.nb[[d_id]]))
d_k <- knn.nb[[d_id]][d_k_id]
non_overlap_id <- which(d_k%in%nb.list)
d_k <- d_k[-non_overlap_id]
dk.rand <- round(runif(1,0.5,length(d_k)))
dk <- d_k[dk.rand]
nb.list <- append(nb.list, dk)
## Remove cells that are already taken
sample.cell[nb.list] <- NaN
for (ord in 1: n^2)
id.check <- which(knn.nb[[ord]]%in%nb.list)
if (length(id.check)>0)
knn.nb[[ord]][id.check] <- NaN
## JoinPolys allows to join two of the same polysets
joinedPoly <- joinPolys(subPoly[[j]],subPoly[[nb.list[2]]],"UNION")
for (pl in 3:(n.nb+1)) # +1 means the jth cell
joinedPoly <-
## PID should be single and unique
randomPoly[[k]] <- combinePolys(joinedPoly)
randomPoly[[k]]$PID <- k
areaPoly[k] <- calcArea(randomPoly[[k]])[,3]
k <- k+1
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