[R-sig-Geo] Different results for same model in GEODA and R ?

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Thu Jan 17 22:12:07 CET 2008

On Thu, 17 Jan 2008, Ram Pandit wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have found different results while using GEODA (spatial lag and error
> models) and spdep (lagsarlm and errorsarlm) models for the same data and
> same weight matrix.

Without making available your complete data set, your claim is worthless, 
because nobody can reproduce it - and not quoting the complete exact R 
code (history() of the whole session), and adding screen dumps (PrtScr) of 
GeoDa for all the steps taken. All such claims so far (and re. SpaceStat) 
over almost 10 years have been user misunderstandings or mistakes, and 
have been settled in threads on this list and the openspace list.

Please make a bundle of all the files needed to reproduce the problem and 
put them on a webserver, indicating where they can be picked up (or if 
sensitive attach them to an email to me off-list).

Step 1. See if a regular linear model can be reproduced - if not, you do 
not have the same data in both systems;

Step 2. See if the summary numbers for the neighbours agree, if not, the 
GAL files are not being represented in the same way;

Step 3. See if the weights agree (not so easy, but using a different 
variable with no autocorrelation, say a random variate, try a univariate 

Question: do you have any missing values, and if so how are they 

I replied to this questioner off-list earlier without receiving an 
acknowledgement, seems to be in a hurry, and still has not been polite 
enough to give an affiliation. Please indicate your status (Professor of 
statistics, master's student in real estate, ...), it does help those who 
answer grasp why you might not understand.

Seriously, there is an enormous difference in the pleasure of answering to 
a well constructed question with a reproducable example, and the 
frustration of trying to arrest unsubstantiated and non-reproducable 
"reports" like this, which in my experience are very likely to be user 
error, and which certainly could have been checked more thoroughly.


> GEODA indicated strong spatial lag and error dependency
> by Moran's I and LR tests and highly significant coefficients of lagged
> dependent variable and the lambda. However, in lagsarlm and errorsarlm
> models in R I found both Rho and Lambda are insignificant by the LR tests
> and also insignificant Moran's Is. Also the magnitude of coefficient
> estimate differs for other model variables in these two applications.
> What might have caused these differences? Is the parameter estimation by MLE
> in GEODA and GLS (except Rho, which perhaps by MLE) in R made this
> difference. Why moran's I is significant in one (GEODA) but not in other
> (R)? What i am missing here?
> Any clue and suggestion would be helpful to find this difference.  Following
> is the data description and sample model results:
> I have used country based data from 124 countries with some islands on it.
> Created a gal file in GEODA and run simultaneous models in GEODA and R.
> 1.  sample GEODA out put for a model:
> FOR WEIGHT MATRIX : gdpgi07.GAL  (row-standardized weights)
> TEST                          MI/DF      VALUE          PROB
> Moran's I (error)           0.266382     4.1677032      0.0000308
> Lagrange Multiplier (lag)       1       20.7711707      0.0000052
> Robust LM (lag)                 1        9.7078520      0.0018348
> Lagrange Multiplier (error)     1       13.0279696      0.0003069
> Robust LM (error)               1        1.9646508      0.1610168
> Lagrange Multiplier (SARMA)     2       22.7358216      0.0000116
> sample spatial lag model output for the same model in GEODA:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Variable    Coefficient     Std.Error    z-value      Probability
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>       W_Y     0.5758454     0.05216534       11.03885    0.0000000
>    CONSTANT     -43.92029       21.60366      -2.033003    0.0420521
>         X1     0.3878955      0.0528817       7.335156    0.0000000
>        X2     0.8597154      0.8199795        1.04846    0.2944269
>    -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> TEST                                     DF     VALUE         PROB
> Likelihood Ratio Test                    1       37.85142     0.0000000
> 2. Following is the R results for the same model:
> moran.test(Y,gdpgi07.queen,randomisation=FALSE,zero.policy=TRUE
> ,alternative="two.sided")
> Moran's I test under normality
> data:  Y
> weights: gdpgi07.queen
> Moran I statistic standard deviate = -1.1922, p-value = 0.2332
> alternative hypothesis: two.sided
> sample estimates:
> Moran I statistic       Expectation          Variance
>     -0.103175115      -0.008849558       0.006259578
>       Global Moran's I for regression residuals
> data:
> model: lm(formula = Y ~X1 + X2 +.......)
> weights: gdpgi07.queen
> Moran I statistic standard deviate = -0.7751, p-value = 0.4383
> alternative hypothesis: two.sided
> sample estimates:
> Observed Moran's I        Expectation           Variance
>      -0.067836924       -0.006025453        0.006359538
> Spatial lag model results:
> model.lag<-lagsarlm(Y~X1+X2+......................,data=gdpgi,gdpgi07.queen,
> zero.policy=TRUE)
> summary(amph1.lag)
> Type: lag
> Regions with no neighbours included:
> 199 98 183 216 99 157 105 143 118 12
> Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
>               Estimate  Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept) -59.5478780  25.4744792 -2.3376   0.01941
> X1           0.4084015   0.0611086  6.6832 2.338e-11
> X2          2.2414218   0.9592832  2.3366   0.01946
> Rho: -0.056746 LR test value: 0.51535 p-value: 0.47283
> thank you in advance.
> Ram

Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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