[R-sig-Geo] Convert LL to UTM

Dale Steele Dale_Steele at brown.EDU
Tue Jan 15 01:33:40 CET 2008


for example ...

points <- data.frame(cbind(data$idnum, data$long, data$lat, data$var))
colnames(points) <- c("EID", "X", "Y", "var")
attr(points, "projection") <- "LL"
   ## Define as EventData
points <- as.EventData(points)
  ## Transform to UTM (Euclidean) coordinates, uses package PBSmapping
 convUL(points, km=TRUE)

On Jan 14, 2008 6:29 PM, Mauro Sznelwar <sznelwar at uol.com.br> wrote:
>  How can I do to transform geographic coordinates in UTM, I want to transform a column of latitude and longitude in decimal geographic coordenates to UTM. I know pages that convert  each value, but I want to do a whole variable (column)!
> Mauro Sznelwar - MSc Student of São Paulo University, Brazil, in the fields of Geoprocessing
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