[R-sig-Geo] local Universal Kriging with krige()

Sven Burbeck sburbeck at bfs.de
Tue Aug 26 08:28:31 CEST 2008

Dear all,
I have a problem when trying to perform local Universal kriging with krige().
The background:
For model definition I have to use a larger dataset since this is the only
one available with sufficient information. However, the interpolation
should only be performed for a smaller subset and as local UK (although I
use the global datset for model definition, I know that the data has local

myResult <- krige(log(myValue) ~ GEO_UNIT - 1,

locations = myGlobalDataset,

newdata = myPredictionGrid_1000_utm,

model = myVgmf,

nmax = Inf,

nmin = 0,

maxdist = 18000,

indicators = FALSE,

na.action = na.pass,

debug.level = -1)

I get the following error:
"solve.c", line 87: singular matrix in function Usolve()
"lufactor.c", line 207: singular matrix in function m_inverse()
Fehler in predict.gstat(g, newdata = newdata, block = block, nsim = nsim,  :

When "maxdist = Inf" everything works well.

Any hint where the problem could be would be welcome.


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