[R-sig-Geo] Large Data Sets

Caroline Keef caroline.keef at jbaconsulting.co.uk
Tue Sep 4 13:44:17 CEST 2007

I am having trouble manipulating a large data set to change a spatial
polygons data frame

I have read in an ESRI polygon shapefile using rgdal and readOGR that
contains 18804 polygons.  I am trying to add two variables into the
spatial data frame but it's not working.  I'm doing this using

cbind(SpatialPolygonsDataFrame,new variable,rank(new variable)).

Before I killed R Task Manager said it was using more than 1,050,000K
virtual memory, which given my whole computer ground to a halt I'm
guessing is the limit!

I regularly handle larger data frames than this using R without any
problem so I don't think the problem is R in general.  

Does anyone have any suggestions as to either the size of the data set
that it is possible to handle as a spatial data frame or a better way of
combining spatial data frames?

Thank you

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