[R-sig-Geo] Adding a map to a filled.contour plot

Anne GOARANT anne.goarant at cebc.cnrs.fr
Tue Oct 16 09:02:14 CEST 2007

Dear List,

I am using the filled.contour function with the argument plot.axis = 
{map('worldHires',add=T)} to add the world map to my plot.

filled.contour(x,y,z,plot.axes = {map('worldHires',add=T,fill=T)})

The problem is that the longitudes of my matrix go from 0 (at Greenwich) 
to 360 which seem not to be the same for the map function (whose 
longitudes go from -180 to 180). Hence only one part of the map appears 
on the plot (South Africa and Australia). Do you know a way to get the 
whole map on the plot?



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