[R-sig-Geo] Barry Rowlingson's "Arlat" on FOSS4G 2007

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Fri Oct 12 14:07:09 CEST 2007

Edzer J. Pebesma wrote:
> I'm sorry I missed this talk Barry, but the slides were a pleasure to go 
> through!
> What was the argument not to go with OpenEV with communication through 
> Rserve?

  Efficiency: Rserve has to convert the data to the Rserve wire 
protocol, send it down the loopback network and unconvert it at the 
other end, whereas Rpy does conversion in memory when needed and there's 
no transport.

  Simplicity: Using Rserve means making sure the separate Rserve process 
fires up when you need it, whereas Rpy just loads up libR.so  (or .dll) 
and works like that.

  User-friendliness: OpenEV is not the most standard-looking GIS program 
on the planet - it was never really designed to be a general purpose 
vector and raster GIS anyway, which is what Qgis does well.

That's probably enough reasons!


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