[R-sig-Geo] Image Template Matching

Andrew Niccolai andrew.niccolai at yale.edu
Sat Oct 6 14:40:48 CEST 2007

Hello spatial R community,

Can anyone help me to convert the following algorithm to R code that will
allow me to take a subset of an image and then produce an image that
"targets" the areas of the original larger image that are highly correlated
with the template image?

Any help would be enormously appreciated.

Thanks in advance


   Read in two images, template and target 


   min_correlation = -1;


   for x = 0 to target.width-template.width{

     for y = 0 to target.height-template.height{

           correlation = correlate(template, target, x, y)

           if (min_correlation <0 or correlation < min_correlation){

              min_correlation = correlation

              min_x = x

              min_y = y





  for x = 0 to template.width{

     for y = 0 to template.height{

        target(min_x + x, min_y + y) = some distinctive colour


. }


  write the modified target image to a new file. 

Andrew Niccolai
Doctoral Candidate
Yale School of Forestry

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