[R-sig-Geo] nb2listw() in spdep fails, also errorsarlm() has problems

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Mon Nov 12 18:24:49 CET 2007

And (acknowledging memory outage), I posted a note on the problem on:


on 9th October. Google on R 2.6.0 spdep break gets you there as first hit, 
R 2.6.0 spdep as third.


On Mon, 12 Nov 2007, Roger Bivand wrote:

> Quoting Prof. Brian Ripley's reply on R-help, refering to:
> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2007-October/142367.html
> the problem is likely to be the spdep dependency on Matrix, which should
> be handled as described in the message.
> Roger
> On Mon, 12 Nov 2007, Roger Bivand wrote:
>> On Mon, 12 Nov 2007, Alun Pope wrote:
>>> Further to my post below, the function nb2listw() works if the mode is
>>> coerced to "integer" rather than "numeric" (two places).
>> No, glist should be numeric or double, not integer - those are the only
>> two mode()<- calls in nb2listw().
>>> However the line
>>> can.sim <- as.logical(NA)
>>> in errorsarlm() fails with the error message
>>> Error in UseMethod("as.logical") : no applicable method for
>>> "as.logical".
>> Almost certainly your system is broken, with a fresh version of R and a
>> stale version of the methods package somewhere in a library on .libPaths()
>> Roger
>>> It seems that as.logical(NA) is the culprit here, but I do not
>>> understand how to fix this one.  I would be grateful for a quick fix.
>>> Thanks a lot.
>>> Alun
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: r-sig-geo-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
>>> [mailto:r-sig-geo-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Alun Pope
>>> Sent: Monday, 12 November 2007 5:18 PM
>>> To: r-sig-geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
>>> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] nb2listw() in spdep fails
>>> Running the latest version of spdep ("spdep, version 0.4-9, 2007-11-01")
>>> I find that code that previously worked no longer does after updating R
>>> to the latest release (2.6.0).
>>> The following example illustrates:
>>>> dataex
>>>       long       lat
>>> 1  151.1550 -33.88602
>>> 2  151.1922 -33.89780
>>> 3  151.1733 -33.91631
>>> 4  151.2042 -33.92947
>>> 5  151.1854 -33.87928
>>> 6  151.2355 -33.92529
>>> 7  151.1768 -33.91153
>>> 8  151.2352 -33.94703
>>> 9  151.2561 -33.93978
>>> 10 151.2316 -33.95854
>>>> ngh.listex <-  knearneigh(cbind(dataex$long,dataex$lat), k=2, longlat
>>> = TRUE)
>>>> ngh.listex
>>> $nn
>>>      [,1] [,2]
>>> [1,]    5    7
>>> [2,]    7    5
>>> [3,]    7    2
>>> [4,]    6    3
>>> [5,]    2    1
>>> [6,]    8    9
>>> [7,]    3    2
>>> [8,]   10    9
>>> [9,]    8    6
>>> [10,]    8    9
>>> $np
>>> [1] 10
>>> $k
>>> [1] 2
>>> $dimension
>>> [1] 2
>>> $x
>>>          [,1]      [,2]
>>> [1,] 151.1550 -33.88602
>>> [2,] 151.1922 -33.89780
>>> [3,] 151.1733 -33.91631
>>> [4,] 151.2042 -33.92947
>>> [5,] 151.1854 -33.87928
>>> [6,] 151.2355 -33.92529
>>> [7,] 151.1768 -33.91153
>>> [8,] 151.2352 -33.94703
>>> [9,] 151.2561 -33.93978
>>> [10,] 151.2316 -33.95854
>>> attr(,"class")
>>> [1] "knn"
>>> attr(,"call")
>>> knearneigh(x = cbind(dataex$long, dataex$lat), k = 2, longlat = TRUE)
>>>> nb.listex <- knn2nb(ngh.listex,sym=TRUE)
>>>> nghwts.listex <- nb2listw(nb.listex,style="U")
>>> Error in UseMethod("as.double") : no applicable method for "as.double"
>>> The function nb2listw() in spdep contains statements of the form
>>>    mode(x) <- "numeric"
>>> which I assume is what is causing that function to fail with the error
>>> message above.
>>> I think this because it seems (to me) that this is caused by the change
>>> to the behaviour of as.numeric() in the latest R release, when applied
>>> to vectors of mode "integer".  Here is an example which illustrates
>>> behaviour that appears odd to me:
>>>> x1
>>> [1] 1 2 3 4 4 4 4
>>>> mode(x1)
>>> [1] "numeric"
>>>> as.numeric(x1)
>>> Error in UseMethod("as.double") : no applicable method for "as.double"
>>>> is.numeric(x1)
>>> [1] TRUE
>>> I have posted separately to the R-help mailing list.
>>> I don't know if this ought to be a bug report, sorry.
>>> Alun
>>> Dr Alun Pope
>>> Research Manager
>>> Rismark International
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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