[R-sig-Geo] efficient code/function for rectangular SP weight Matrix and gwr

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Tue May 22 22:49:23 CEST 2007

On Tue, 22 May 2007, Sam Field wrote:

> In the event that others are following this thread,  I have included 
> some r-code for constructing a rectangular weight matrix from two sets 
> of coordinates (in feet). The first set of coords (nhood_pts[,1] and 
> nhood_pts[,2]) come from a regular grid, the second set refer to the 
> location of patients ( combo2$X and combo2$Y).  I don't provide the data 
> only the code below.  The original data consists of 1000 grids and 
> 30000+ patients. It takes 30 minutes on my fairly speedy computer to 
> complete the first step- extracting pair-wise distances less then a 
> given bandwidth (D). I store the neighbor ids and counts in separate 
> lists.   The rest of the code calculates kernel weights based on these 
> distances. The code is not efficient from any number of standpoints, but 
> storing these distances in a list rather then a matrix avoided running 
> into memory allocation problems. Here is the code.

Would spDistsN1() in sp have helped to speed things up a little? Looping
over the 1k grid points and passing out the 30k patient points shouldn't
be very demanding (34 seconds on a oldish box, more if you need Great
Circle distances). For heavyweight things, quadtrees would be a better
choice, I have an unpublished package for approximate nearest neighbours.


> # define bandwidth
> D <- 2*5280
> #This creates a list of distances < 1 mile
> w_raw <- vector("list",length(nhood_pts[,1]))
> for (i in 1:length(nhood_pts[,1])){
> w_raw[[i]] <- rep(NA,length(combo2$X))}
> system.time(for (i in 1:length(nhood_pts[,1])){for(j in 1:length(combo2$X)){
> if(sqrt((nhood_pts[,1][i]-combo2$X[j])^2 + 
> (nhood_pts[,2][i]-combo2$Y[j])^2) < D) w_raw[[i]][j] <-  
> sqrt((nhood_pts[,1][i]-combo2$X[j])^2 + 
> (nhood_pts[,2][i]-combo2$Y[j])^2)}} )
> w_raw.id <-   vector("list",length(nhood_pts[,1]))
> for (i in 1:length(nhood_pts[,1])){
> w_raw.id[[i]] <-    which(!is.na(w_raw[[i]]))}
> for (i in 1:length(nhood_pts[,1])){
> w_raw[[i]] <-  w_raw[[i]][w_raw.id[[i]]]}
> w_raw.count <-   rep(1,length(nhood_pts[,1]))
> for (i in 1:length(nhood_pts[,1])){
> w_raw.count[i] <-  length(w_raw[[i]])}
> w_weights <-  vector("list",length(nhood_pts[,1]))
> for (i in 1:length(nhood_pts[,1])){
> w_weights[[i]] <- (1-(w_raw[[i]]/D)^2)^2}
> w <-  vector("list",length(nhood_pts[,1]))
> for (i in 1:length(nhood_pts[,1])){
> w[[i]] <- w_weights[[i]]/sum(w_weights[[i]])}
> Roger Bivand wrote:
> > On Fri, 11 May 2007, Stéphane Dray wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> Hi Sam,
> >>
> >> I think that this question is quite general and could interest other 
> >> people, including me, with very different aims. I have developed a 
> >> method to look for the relationships between two data sets that have 
> >> been sampled on the same area but for different locations. In my 
> >> example, the two samples are two polygons layers. In this approach, I 
> >> compute a rectangular weighting matrix where each weight correspond to 
> >> the area of intersection between polygons of each layer. I have used 
> >> also the matrix form to store these weights (my data set was very small 
> >> compared to you). I remember that Roger was also interested by these 
> >> rectangular weights in another context. Here we  have different  problems:
> >> - how to compute these kind  of weights
> >> - how to store them.
> >>
> >> For the first point, I think that for each method/application, the 
> >> solution  is different. We could develop/extend classical tools for 
> >> square weights (one set of spatial units) to rectangular weights (two 
> >> sets of spatial units).
> >> For the second one, It would be probably interesting to define a class 
> >> of object in spdep. nb objects are lists, and I think that it would be 
> >> the solution for rectangular neighborhood.
> >>
> >> If I consider two sets of spatial units (A and B) where the number of 
> >> units is equal to na and nb.  We could store the neighbors in a list of 
> >> length 2. The first element of this list is a list of length na. In this 
> >> list, the j-th element is a vector of the neighbors of the j-th unit of 
> >> the layer A. These neighbors are spatial units of the layer B.  The 
> >> second element of the global list is a list of length nb where each 
> >> element is a vector of neighbors.
> >>
> >> I think that we have to think to a class of object that could be useful 
> >> for everybody dealing with this kind of rectangular weights. If this 
> >> class is properly defined (second point), we could then develop tools to 
> >> construct this kind of neighborhoods (first point). The eventual 
> >> extension to more than two data sets could also be taken into account in 
> >> this reflexion.
> >>
> >>     
> >
> > I would welcome input on this. I'm looking at an alternative weights 
> > representation through classes in the Matrix package, which is evolving 
> > fast, and which seems to be promising. If the dimnames slot is used to 
> > hold the region.id values, it might be possible to make progress.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > Roger
> >
> >   
> >> Cheers,
> >>
> >>
> >> Sam Field wrote:
> >>     
> >>> List,
> >>>
> >>> I need to create a rectangular spatial weight matrix for a set of n and 
> >>> m objects. I quickly run in to memory allocation problems when 
> >>> constructing the full matrix in a single pass. I am looking for a more 
> >>> efficient way of doing this. There appears to be efficient procedures in 
> >>> spdep for constructing SQUARE spatial weight matrices (e.g. 
> >>> dnearneigh()). Are there analogous procedures for constructing distance 
> >>> based weights between two different point patterns? I am doing this in 
> >>> preparation for implementing an approximate geographically weighted 
> >>> logistic regression procedure. I was thinking about using re sampling 
> >>> procedure as an inferential frame- perhaps I might get some feedback. 
> >>> This is what I was going to do.
> >>>
> >>> I have a point pattern of 30,000 diabetic people based on where they 
> >>> lived during a 2 year period. During that period, approximately 4% of 
> >>> them developed diabetes. I am interested in isolating the impact of 
> >>> ecological factors on the geographic variation" of the disease, so it is 
> >>> necessary to control for the spatial clustering of individual level risk 
> >>> factors associated with the disease (diabetes).
> >>>
> >>> Step 1: Estimate a logistic regression using the full sample and predict 
> >>> incidence diabetes using individual level covariates (i.e. who developed 
> >>> diabetes over the two year period).
> >>>
> >>> Step 2. Estimate a weighted logit model at each location (grid). The 
> >>> observations would be the people (not the geographic units) and the 
> >>> weights would be kernel weights based on distance. The model would only 
> >>> contain a single freely estimated parameter, the intercept, but it would 
> >>> also contain an offset term. For each patient, the offset term would 
> >>> simply be an evaluation of the linear predictor of the global model 
> >>> estimated above (based on the observed covariate values), but without 
> >>> the intercept. This would effectively fix the estimates of the patient 
> >>> level coefficients to their global values, requiring only a local 
> >>> estimate of the intercept. My hope is that I could interpret geographic 
> >>> variability in the intercept as evidence for a "location effect" net of 
> >>> the patient composition or "risk profile" at a particular location. It 
> >>> would probably make sense to center the X variables so that the 
> >>> intercept was interpretable and estimated in a region of the response 
> >>> plane where their is plenty of data. I would let the other covariates 
> >>> vary as well, but I doubt the model could be estimated in large portions 
> >>> of the study area because of sparse data.
> >>>
> >>> Step 3. If I were going to do inference on the location specific 
> >>> intercepts, I would generate a sampling distribution at each location by 
> >>> re sampling from the global model, and repeat Step 2 for each randomly 
> >>> drawn sample. This would give me a local sampling distribution of 
> >>> intercept estimates at each location and I could compare it to the the 
> >>> single one generated from the observed data. The global model represents 
> >>> a kind of null because the intercept is fixed to its global value and 
> >>> geographic variability is driven entirely by the spatial clustering of 
> >>> patient level factors.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> thanks!
> >>>
> >>> Sam
> >>>
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> >>> R-sig-Geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
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> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>       
> >>
> >>     
> >
> >
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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