[R-sig-Geo] what happened to sp?

shoaib saburq at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 07:54:23 CEST 2007

problem solved after I upgraded R to the latest version


On 3/31/07, shoaib <saburq at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all
> Not sure if this should be asked on the grass mailing list or here.
> apologies if its off-topic.
> I am having a go at using R/Grass and when I try to install sp, rgdal
> or maptools it complains these packages don't exist. i get the same
> complaint if i try the sourceforge repo
> rSpatial <- "http://r-spatial.sourceforge.net/R"
> install.packages("sp", repos = rSpatial)
> and as expected if i try to load spgrass6 library it complains that sp
> is missing.
> Whatever happed to sp? or am i doing something i shouldn't be? have
> things changed over the last few months :)
> thanks for any guidence
> shoaib

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