[R-sig-Geo] PBSmapping to SpatialPolygonsDF

Andrew Niccolai andrew.niccolai at yale.edu
Mon Mar 26 21:02:34 CEST 2007

Is there a pre-existing function or a clever way to pull a PBSmapping object
of class "Polyset", "data.frame" into a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame?

I found the SpatialPolygons2PolySet function and was hoping that there is a
way to go the other direction.

I have created a voronoi tessellation for a set of 627 points and then
clipped that by the convex hull of those points.  The object looks like

> class(cb.tess)
[1] "PolySet"    "data.frame"
> names(cb.tess)
[1] "PID" "POS" "X"   "Y"  
> head(cb.tess)
  PID POS        X        Y
1   1   1 945062.2 860290.8
2   1   2 945073.5 860273.0
3   1   3 945062.7 860272.6
4   1   4 945062.5 860272.7
5   1   5 945055.9 860277.4
6   1   6 945057.8 860291.4
> tail(cb.tess)
  PID POS        X        Y
1 626   9 944972.3 859813.1
2 627   1 945009.7 859794.3
3 627   2 944993.8 859769.0
4 627   3 944985.3 859763.3
5 627   4 944990.9 859804.2
6 627   5 945008.2 859804.6

I would like to slip back into the world of SPDF if possible.

Thanks in advance for help, suggestions or code.


Andrew Niccolai
Doctoral Candidate
Yale School of Forestry

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