[R-sig-Geo] ascii grid from arcgis

Thomas Szegvary T.Szegvary at unibas.ch
Mon Jun 18 21:29:35 CEST 2007

sorry for spamming all of you with my problems...but here's another one:

I have ascii grids from ESRI ArcGIS in the following format:
ncols         42
nrows         36
xllcorner     -10.311630235357
yllcorner     35.110501339805
cellsize      1
NODATA_value  -9999

Is there an already existing comand to plot that type of grid? or do I have to
(re)define the grid?

Thanks a lot for any help

Thomas Szegvary
Environmental Geosciences
University of Basel
Bernoullistrasse 30
CH-4056 Basel

Tel. ++41-61-267 04
Fax. ++41-61-267 04 79

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