[R-sig-Geo] Points2grid() from spatial points

Thomas Szegvary t.szegvary at unibas.ch
Wed Jun 13 11:37:32 CEST 2007

Hello, I'm new to R and try to use the geostatistical packages. 
I have a problem making grid from ESRI shapefiles. I imported the shapefile
(polygon) and projected the coordinates. Then I used spsample() to produce a
spatial points for the given regions resp. polygons. With points2grid I
wanted to produce the grid, which should be used for krige(), but a always
have an error message (see below). 

>#prepare grid
>europe <- readShapePoly("R course/country/europePoly.shp")
>proj4string(europe) = CRS("+init=epsg:4326") europe.tr <-
>europe.points <- spsample(europe.tr,type="regular",cellsize=100000)
                       x1      x2
cellcentre.offset 2735004 1478310
cellsize           100000  100000
cells.dim              37      48
Warning message:
grid has empty column/rows in dimension 2 in: points2grid(europe.points)

Thanks a lot


Thomas Szegvary
Institute of Environmental Geosciences
Department of Geosciences
University of Basel
Bernoullistrasse 30
CH - 4056 Basel

Tel.  41-61-267 04 82
Fax. 41-61-267 04 79
Email: t.szegvary at unibas.ch

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