[R-sig-Geo] statGIS 2007

Albrecht Gebhardt albrecht.gebhardt at uni-klu.ac.at
Fri Jun 1 16:31:40 CEST 2007

This is to announce the statGIS 2007 conference which will be held at

  University of Klagenfurt, Austria
  September 24-26, 2007.

It is the 3rd conference in the statGIS series on the topic

  Interfacing Spatial Statistics and GIS


  * Theory and Methods

  * Spatial Statistics Software

  * Interfacing Spatial Statistics and GIS

  * Applications including
     + Environment and Ecology
     + Epidemiology and Public Health
     + Econometrics
     + Others (Telecommunications, Imaging, Brain Imaging, ...)

Abstracts on the above topics are welcome. Papers will be published in
special conference proceedings.

Important dates:

Deadline for Abstract Submission:      01-08-2007
Notification of Acceptance:            15-08-2007
Start of statGIS Conference 2007:      24-09-2007
End of statGIS Conference 2007:        26-09-2007

Contact: statgis07 at uni-klu.ac.at
Details: http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/statgis2007

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Juergen Pilz,
Albrecht Gebhardt,
Gunter Spoeck

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