[R-sig-Geo] plot.polylist polygon plot order

Jeff Jorgensen Jeff.Jorgensen at noaa.gov
Wed Jul 18 19:30:09 CEST 2007


I've imported a shapefile of polygons (R v2.5.1 winxp, maptools v0.6-13) 
and I'm trying to assign colors to polygons in plot.polylist().  Is 
there a way to force the order in which polygons are plotted get the 
correct color associations to the corresponding polygons?

Best regards,


Jeff Jorgensen
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
NOAA Fisheries
2725 Montlake Blvd. E.
Seattle, WA  98112

jeff.jorgensen at noaa.gov
ph:   206.860.3286
FAX:  206.860.3400

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