[R-sig-Geo] Transforming coordinates
Steven J. Pierce
pierces1 at msu.edu
Tue Jan 23 17:38:17 CET 2007
Hi folks,
I've read in a shapefile that was provided to me in the Michigan State Plane
(South) coordinate system using the following code. How would I now
transform the coordinates so that the point represented by [origin.x,
origin.y] becomes the new [0,0], and at the same time convert the units from
feet (the original units) to meters?
# Define the projection details that match those attached to the shapefile I
projection.details <- paste("+proj=lcc",
"+y_0=0.00000000", sep=" ")
# Read in the shapefile.
ESCA.boundaries <- readShapePoly("schoolbnd_new1.shp",
proj4string = CRS(projection.details),
# Collect the coordinates for the new origin at the lower left corner of the
# study region and store them.
origin.x <- bbox(ESCA.boundaries[16,])[1,1]
origin.y <- bbox(Longit.usable)[2,1]
Steven J. Pierce, M.S.
Doctoral Student in Ecological/Community Psychology
Department of Psychology
Michigan State University
240B Psychology Building
East Lansing, MI 48824-1116
E-mail: pierces1 at msu.edu
Web: http://www.psychology.msu.edu/eco/
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