[R-sig-Geo] Subsetting a spatial polygon dataframe with a for loop

Edzer J. Pebesma e.pebesma at geo.uu.nl
Wed Feb 14 17:45:24 CET 2007

I'm not a 100% sure, but it might be that you are using c(sub.cb.poly, 
i) which creates a list when the arguments are complicated structures. 
You may wish to use rbind on two (or more!) SpatialPolygonsDataFrame 
objects instead. Provided you have the latest sp from CRAN...


Andrew Niccolai wrote:
> Hi.  I had such great success last time, I thought I would ask for more
> assistance.  I have an object (cb.poly) of class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame".
> I would like to subset this object using a for loop that essentially loops
> through polygon ID from a larger list.  The code looks like this:
> class(cb.poly)
> sub.cb.poly <- cb.poly[cb.poly$Plg_id == thresh.poly.id[[687]][1,],]
> polygons(sub.cb.poly)
> dissolveset <- thresh.poly.id[[687]]
> ilength <- nrow(dissolveset)
> for (i in 2:ilength){
> i <- cb.poly[cb.poly$Plg_id == thresh.poly.id[[687]][i,],]
> polygons(i)
> sub.cb.poly <- c(sub.cb.poly, i)
> }
> gg <- SpatialPolygons(sub.cb.poly,pO=1:length(sub.cb.poly))
> The object thresh.poly.id[[]] is a "list" class object that holds the unique
> polygon names that overlapped with my tree crown polygon (thanks Roger and
> Greg and others).
> The first time I call sub.cb.poly it is a "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" class.
> I then try to convert to a polygon so that after I loop it through my list
> of appropriate polygon IDs I can reconvert to a "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
> class.  I am attempting this because after the for loop, my sub.cb.poly
> object is a "list" class.  I could not determine how to join elements from a
> loop into a "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" class, so I thought I might convert
> to polygons and then use SpatialPolygons function (see gg object).  
> This is not working for me.  
> Ultimately, I want to create an object that is a subset of my original
> cb.poly object so that I can do a "unionSpatialPolygons" operation to create
> a merged or dissolved object. 
> Thanks for any assistance. 
> Andrew Niccolai
> Doctoral Candidate
> Yale School of Forestry
> 203-432-5144
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