[R-sig-Geo] asciigrid R

Jose Funes jefunes at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 21:45:23 CET 2007


I am using read.asciigrid function from R to import 4 grid maps from
ArcGIS to a single grid in R. However, I am having troubles to make it
work, when I finish to import the 4 grid to R the final grid appear as
NULL. Below I did include the code, I will appreciate your help to
solve this problem.I tried to register to GTAT group but my email is


R code:

Four layers were stacked:
explanatory$silt = read.asciigrid("silt.asc")$band1
explanatory$silt = explanatory$band1

explanatory$sand = read.asciigrid("sandasc.asc")$band1
explanatory$sand = explanatory$band1

explanatory$nd = read.asciigrid("nd.asc")$band1
explanatory$nd = explanatory$band1

explanatory$bnd3 = read.asciigrid("bnd3.asc")$band1
explanatory$bnd3 = explanatory$band1

Deleting double band:
explanatory$band1 = NULL


Jose Funes

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