[R-sig-Geo] Problem in converting SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to owin object
Roger Bivand
Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Fri Sep 15 21:49:53 CEST 2006
On Fri, 15 Sep 2006, Adrian Baddeley wrote:
> Debarchana Ghosh reports a problem in converting an object
> of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to class 'owin'.
> Without any other information (without the data and knowing
> nothing about 'sp') my guess is that you are trying to
> make a single polygonal region out of several polygons that are adjoining
> i.e. there are two polygons that share an edge, like the
> borders of adjoining countries.
Yes, correct. The real culprit is the very messy shapefile (which was made
available to me offline), which not only appears to be of 7 contiguous
counties, but when dissolved using:
tcma_outer <- unionSpatialPolygons(as(tcma, "SpatialPolygons"), rep(1, 7))
has a single outer boundary and as many as 428 internal slivers. My
immediate suggestion to the questioner would be to locate a better data
source, such as:
In R:
tcma <- readOGR(".", "DG_tcma")
mn <- readShapePoly("co27_d00.shp", proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
mn_FIPS <- paste(as.character(mn$STATE), as.character(mn$COUNTY), sep="")
match(as.character(tcma$COUNTY), mn_FIPS)
mn_subset <- mn[match(as.character(tcma$COUNTY), mn_FIPS),]
mn_subset_utm15N <- spTransform(mn_subset, CRS(proj4string(tcma)))
plot(mn_subset_utm15N, lwd=3, axes=TRUE)
plot(tcma, add=TRUE, border="red")
tcma_outer <- unionSpatialPolygons(as(mn_subset_utm15N, "SpatialPolygons"), rep(1, 7))
tcma_owin <- as(as(tcma_outer, "SpatialPolygons"), "owin")
The key problem was the very messy shapefile, followed by not having
understood that owin objects cannot be contiguous. The wrapper packages
are on the sourceforge site.
Hope this helps,
> Did you want to end up with a single region of space,
> or with a list of different regions?
> In the spatstat package, an object of class `owin' always represents
> a region of space with an inside, an outside and a boundary.
> To create a region with a polygonal boundary, you have to supply
> the coordinates of the *boundary* line segments. That is, every
> edge of your polygon must be part of the *boundary* of the spatial region
> (the region separating the inside from the outside).
> For example, to define the USA as an owin object,
> you would supply the coordinates of the international borders
> (USA-Canada and USA-Mexico) and the ocean coast, but **not** the
> interstate borders.
> When you create a polygonal region as an object of class 'owin',
> spatstat checks its validity by checking for
> - self-intersection in each polygon
> - intersections between different polygons
> (including common boundaries).
> It will not automatically `join' together two adjacent polygons.
> That kind of functionality is better handled by other code like gpclib.
> Alternatively you can convert each separate polygon
> to an `owin' object, then use 'union.owin' to compute their union
> (which is doen by converting the polygons to binary images).
> Adrian Baddeley
Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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