[R-sig-Geo] PBSMapping package: what are the default units for calcArea() results
Rick Reeves
reeves at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Oct 18 20:08:23 CEST 2006
I am using the PBSMapping package calcVoronoi() routine to calculate
ROIs surrounding elements in
an imported ESRI point shape file. Point coords are in decimal lat/long.
here is the gist of the code.....
sites <- read.csv("ThreeCountyPoints.csv")
coordinates(sites) = c("LonDD","LatDD")
events <-
Vpolys <-calcVoronoi(events)
plotPolys(Vpolys) # the voronois look good.
polyData <- calcArea(Vpolys)
# polyData's Z attribute contains numbers in the magnitude.01 - .0001
Two questions:
1) What are the units of polyData.Z , and how can I convert them to km**2 ?
If I try to convert the units to UTM, as suggested in the PBSMapping
user guide, as below,
attr(Vpolys,"zone") <- 9
VpolysUTM <- convUL(Vpolys)
I get the error:
--> Error in convUL(Vpolys) : Missing or invalid projection attribute.
2) Can you suggest a way in which I could clip the Voronois in the
polySet using
as a clipping polygon the county boundary polygons contained in a
(TcPoly), generated from an incoming polygon shapefile (also
lat/lon DD):
TriCounty <-read.shape("TriCountyPolyDD.shp")
TcPolys = Map2poly(TriCounty)
# here are the contents of the TriCountyPolyDD shapefile:
# GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",
Please see attached jpg for the 'big picture'
Many thanks for any suggestions!
Rick Reeves
Rick Reeves
Scientific Programmer / Analyst
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
UC Santa Barbara
reeves at nceas.ucsb.edu
805 892 2533
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