[R-sig-Geo] universal kriging in gstat

Alí Santacruz amsantac at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 1 01:56:06 CEST 2006

Dear list members,

I am trying to perform universal kriging in gstat, and according to the help 
of 'krige' function, the names of the coordinates of 'newdata' argument must 
be the same as defined in 'locations'.

I am creating an SpatialPixels object for the prediction locations, using 
the next code:

>pts<-spsample(myShapePoly, n=3000, "regular")
>gridded(pts) <- TRUE class(pts)
[1] "SpatialPixels"
[1] "sp"

And x1 and x2 are the names of the coordinates of the prediction locations 

So, to perform universal kriging, I have to change the names of the 
coordinates of my observed data to x1 and x2, but I would like to know if I 
can change the name of the coordinates of the prediction grid ('pts').

I appreciate any comment. Sincerely,

Alí M. Santacruz
M.Sc. Geomatics, Student
National University of Colombia
Bogotá D.C.

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