[R-sig-Geo] Map legend

Mihai Nica m_nica at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 16 12:16:53 CET 2006


I am unable to change the color to some sort of a gray scale in a map. Also, 
I have a hard time adding a meaningful legend to it. These must be “for 
dummies” question. Looked it up everywhere, but could not find a solution 
(not even a similar question). The map is:

a=read.shape("Density.shp", dbf.data=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
plot.Map(a, auxvar=pidg$AVG_IGR, xlab="AVG_IGR quintiles", ylab=" ",ol="NA", 
color="blue", nclass=4)

if I change:

color=”gray” or “black”

Error in hsv(rep(color.list$hsvcol[cind], nclass), c(pr, 1)) :
        bad hsv to rgb color conversion

I am running last R in XP updated.

If anybody has a moment, I appreciate it a lot,

Mihai Nica

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