[R-sig-Geo] Writing a tif using rgdal

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at tkk.fi
Wed Feb 8 20:57:55 CET 2006

Tim Keitt kirjoitti:
> On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 22:25 +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:
>> No trouble - I think this hits me when I'm hurrying and I re-use a 
>> not-closed handle, filling it with another handle. I can't replicate now.
> Hmmm... I just realized that creating a raster band object and then
> closing the associated dataset object might lead to all sorts of
> fireworks. We may need some reference counting to avoid dereferencing
> free'd pointers.

I guess the fireworks is caused by gdal? This was discussed at length on 
the gdal-dev list in the fall. There is no easy way the fix this. 
Currently the best solution is to be careful with things like this.

Ari Jolma


Prof. Ari Jolma
Kartografia ja Geoinformatiikka / Cartography and Geoinformatics
Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
POBox 1200, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at tkk.fi URL: http://www.tkk.fi/~jolma

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