[R-sig-Geo] 2 problems with errorsarlm(method="SparseM")

Martin Reismann mreisman at isis.wu-wien.ac.at
Wed Feb 1 17:34:26 CET 2006

(1) When running a large SAR (weight matrix 12544 * 12544) with errorsarlm
and SparseM-method I ran into this error message:
> Error in .local(x, ...) : Increase nnzlmax
> Error in det(chol((I - lambda * csrw), tmpmax = tmpmax)) :
>         unable to find the argument 'x' in selecting a method for
function 'det' 
The listw-object stems from nb2listw and is style="W".
It happens on both Linux (32 bit, 4GB RAM) and Solaris (64 bit, 8GB RAM)
(2) Being able to use mat2listw instead of nb2listw would be preferable
because mat2listw allows matrix elements different from 0 and 1.
Unfortunately errorsarlm(..., method="SparseM") on a listw-object made by
mat2listw crashed in an early stage.
Error message:
> Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class "matrix.csr" object:
> invalid object for slot "ja" in class "matrix.csr": 
> got class "numeric", should be or extend class "integer"

It might be because mat2listw creates listw-objects of weights style="M"
(underlying style unknown).
Is there a way to transform a listw-object created by mat2listw into a
"clean" one with proper weights style set?
I appreciate your help!

Mag. Martin Reismann
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsgeographie und Geoinformatik
Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
Nordbergstrasse 15, 4. Stock, Kern A
A-1090 Wien

EMail: Martin.Reismann at wu-wien.ac.at
Tel +43-(0)-1-31336-5720
Fax +43-(0)-1-31336-703

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