[R-sig-Geo] Handling realisations with geoR

michela.cameletti michela.cameletti at unimib.it
Wed Sep 28 17:42:59 CEST 2005

I'm Michela Cameletti from University of Bergamo (Italy); 
I'm a Phd student.
I'd like to do a geostatistical analysis of air pollution 
data: I have daily PM10 data (particulate matters with a 
diameter under 10 micron) for 10 monitoring stations (with 
x-y coordinates) and for a year.
For example, I have data in such a matrix (first and 
second columns contain the coordinates, the following 
columns cointain the data for the days of the year 203-one 
column for one day, the monitors are the same):
x	        y	  01/01/2003	 02/01/2003	,,,
555239	4988304	45	47	
557204	4989070	53	53	
604029	4961961	32	32	
605812	4960410	30	30	
628704	4950970	29	29	
629112	4949311	50	22	
631916	4950046	38	11	
So I think I have 365 realisations of the same process but 
can't handle this data with geoR package neither with the 
"realisations" options.
Can you help me please?
Thank you in advance,
best regards,
Michela CAmeletti

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