[R-sig-Geo] Question:manipulating spatial data using combination of Maptools and Splancs

kostas karis kostaskaris at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 19 12:00:49 CEST 2005

I ran the commands as you suggested and it rans ok, until the ploting

[1] "akto"   "quakes"

when i type

the shape that the device plots isn't right. the rings and shapes indices 
are correct but the output is wrong. I used another shapefile with more 
shapes and i get the following error:

Shapefile type: Polygon, (5), # of Shapes: 52
Error in getPolygonsPolygonsSlot(getSpPpolygonsSlot(nomoi)[[52]])[[52]] :
        subscript out of bounds

I currently write my Msc thesis and i am using open-source programs for the 
processing of spatial data. I am using R for the spatial statistics part but 
this is the first time that i use this program so i would really appreciate 
your help.

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