[R-sig-Geo] Software (R, free matlab toolboxes etc etc...)

Koen Hufkens koen.hufkens at telenet.be
Wed Nov 16 13:30:26 CET 2005

Hi list(s),

I'm looking for (free) geostatistical software that works with images 
and not as much on point data.

I've been playing around with multiresolution wavelet decompositions and 
I want to collect some statistical information of these images 
(semivariance analysis, autocorrelation, Moran's I index, etc etc...). 
For the time being I used R, the wavethresh package and the spdep 
package. This latter was not optimal because the neighbour list 
constructed by spdep becomes a little to much for my limited computer 
system. So an additional R package would be great, but not necessary. 
Other (free) alternatives would be great.

So what  packages toolboxes etc. are not point based, and can handle 
images? Any idea's, suggestions?

Best regards,

ps. excuses for double posting if you are a member of both lists, I try 
to cover as much ground as possible in one e-mail.

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