[R-sig-Geo] exporting weiths matrix in .txt-file in spdep

Mario Gellrich mario.gellrich at wsl.ch
Tue Mar 22 19:17:50 CET 2005


I have created a row-standardized spatial weigths matrix in spdep and 
wonder how it can be transformed to a simple .txt-file for export to other 
programs or simply visualisation of the weights matrix in form of rows and 
columns. Does anybody have a clue how to write out a weights matrix in spdep?

Best regards

Mario Gellrich
Mario Gellrich
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Economics Section
Zürcherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf
Tel:       ++41 (0)1 739 2520
Fax:       ++41 (0)1 739 22 15
e-mail:    mario.gellrich at wsl.ch
Web: http://www.wsl.ch/phonebook/STAFF/2409.ehtml

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