[R-sig-Geo] geoR help with kriging (newbie!)
Doug Nychka
nychka at cgd.ucar.edu
Thu Jun 9 20:15:24 CEST 2005
Also check the package fields for Kriging it may produce output closer to
your application. If the locations are the fields Krig function can take
advantage of multiple fits ( your 300 cases) to different obsreeved
Doug Nychka,
Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO
Email: nychka "AT" ucar "DOT" edu Web: www.cgd.ucar.edu/~nychka
Voice: 303-497-1711 FAX: 303-497-1333
On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Mike Smith wrote:
> Hi
> I have recently been experimenting with the use of kriging, primarily
> through Goldensoftware's Surfer. Having had a look around at the
> packages available for R I see the geoR (amongst several) supports
> kriging and so have started experimenting with this.
> What I am interested in doing is batch processing ~300 datasets using
> ordinary kriging with an exact interpolator (which I believe has no nugget).
> As I am not expert with either R or kriging (!!) I was wondering
> what the best command line options might be? I have been working
> through the geoR intro and have a few queries:
> -the command below appears to cover everything I want to do, however do
> I need to fit a model to the variogram first and, if so, where is this
> specified (using krige?)
> kc <- krige.conv(s100, loc = pred.grid, krige = krige.control(obj.m = ml))
> -the input file is a data frame with three columns; x and y coordinates
> and a z value to interpolate. I would ideally like to tell geoR (using
> loc) to take the max extent of my area and, at a specified point spacing,
> interpolate a new grid.
> Many thanks
> mike
> --
> Dr Mike J Smith
> Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Maps
> http://www.journalofmaps.com
> School of Earth Sciences and Geography
> Kingston University
> Penrhyn Road
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> =oIrO
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