[R-sig-Geo] Problem with lagsarlm (spdep) with SparseM method

Gilles Spielvogel spielvogel at dial.prd.fr
Fri Jan 28 18:13:58 CET 2005


when running the command:

lagsarc2<-lagsarlm(vary ~ varx , mydata, c2.listw, na.action=na.fail,
type="lag", method="SparseM", quiet=FALSE, zero.policy=TRUE)

R returns the following error:

Spatial lag model
Jacobian calculated using sparse matrix techniques using SparseM
Error in lm.fit(thisx, y) : `x' must be a matrix

The listw object I use comes originally from a queen contiguity GAL object
made with GeoDA. The command works perfectly if I use the option "eigen"
instead of "SparseM", but it takes a lot of time.

Does anyone have any idea about this problem ?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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