[R-sig-Geo] temperature interpolation -- was: 3D kriging with gstat

Edzer J. Pebesma e.pebesma at geog.uu.nl
Tue Jan 4 21:03:50 CET 2005

Doug Nychka wrote:
> Prodromos,
> You might also consider the altitude entering just  as a linear term 
> in elevation instead of a full spatial variable. Also don't forget that 
> aspect (whether the slope faces north or South etc.) may be an important
> covariate also. 
> The easiest way to fit these kinds of models is to use back fitting ...
Doug, I think your linear term suggestion is identical to mine except
that we used completely different wording.

Your suggestion about back fitting triggered my curiousity though -- do
you mean using generalized additive models? If so, how then would you
deal with (residual) spatial correlation?

Best regards,

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